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2 records for Pissonotus binotatus Beaufort County

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Pissonotus binotatus144882014-09-27Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf2Grassy, brushy habitat surrounded by mostly pine and some hardwoodsGoose CreekGOCRfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting02_Sight
Pissonotus binotatus144882014-09-26Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf7grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest; 5 long-winged adults. CB notes for the long-winged: "probably a dark binotatus. from the frontal view, you can see a dark line on the 2nd antennal segment - binotatus has this, in brunneus the 2nd antennal segment is usually pale. It would help explain why the specimen is so shiny; binotatus is quite shiny while brunneus is more dull colored. Admittedly a bit of a tough call."Goose CreekGOCRfound during the day, caught while sweepnetting01_Photo
grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest; 5 long-winged adults

grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest; 5 long-winged adults

grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest

grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest

grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest

grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest

grassy, brushy habitat in a pine dominated forest