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DELPHACIDAE Members: NC Records

Kosswigianella perusta - No Common Name

Kosswigianella perusta
© Kyle Kittelberger- male
Kosswigianella perusta
© Kyle Kittelberger- male
Kosswigianella perusta
© Kyle Kittelberger- female
Kosswigianella perusta
© Kyle Kittelberger- pale female
Family: DELPHACIDAESubfamily: Delphacinae
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: A somewhat bicolored species, with a dark abdomen contrasting with a pale, tannish rest of the body. The abdomen can range in color from a dark red to blackish. At the base of the abdomen, below the thorax, there is an orange 'plate' that is easily distinguishable through the translucent wings. Some individuals can have very pale abdomens, but the overall structure is the same and the orange 'plate' is still present. The face is concolorous with the tan thorax in adults.
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Distribution: Eastern United States
Abundance: Has been recorded from several counties in the mountains and Piedmont, probably more abundant in the right habitat, especially lawns.
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Grassy areas
Plant Associates: Probably grass
Behavior: Can be attracted at night with a light.
Status: Native
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Species Photo Gallery for Kosswigianella perusta No Common Name

Kosswigianella perustaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: open forest habitat, near mixed hardwoods; on a lawn
Kosswigianella perustaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: open forest habitat, near mixed hardwoods; on a lawn
Kosswigianella perustaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: open forest habitat, near mixed hardwoods; on a lawn
Kosswigianella perustaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: open forest habitat, near mixed hardwoods; on a lawn
Kosswigianella perustaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: open forest habitat, near mixed hardwoods; on a lawn
Kosswigianella perustaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: open forest habitat, near mixed hardwoods; on a lawn
Kosswigianella perustaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: open forest habitat, near mixed hardwoods; on a lawn