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CICADELLIDAE Members: NC Records

Evacanthus bellaustralis - No Common Name

Evacanthus bellaustralis
© Mark H. Brown- male
Evacanthus bellaustralis
© Mark H. Brown- dark female
Evacanthus bellaustralis
© Canadian National Collection- male
Evacanthus bellaustralis
© Tim Forrest- female
Family: CICADELLIDAESubfamily: Evacanthinae
Taxonomic Author: (Hamilton, 1983)
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: Males are yellowish, with the legs sometimes tinged with orange and the claws infuscated. The scutellum and pronotum are typically black, though in some individuals the center of the pronotum can be yellow. The head has two black spots in the middle. The wings are partially yellow, contrasting with a black band on the clavi (inner part of the wings) that narrow before following the commissure to the wing tips, where a triangular-shaped mark extends from the apex of each wing; the commissure (inner edge of the wings) is yellow. Females are white, tan or stained with orange. The claws and frontal arcs on the head are lightly infuscated. The wing pattern varies from almost as dark and extensive as the male but with a dark blotch at the apex of the crown and the center of the pronotum paler than the lateral margins (which are dark), to having almost entirely white or tan wings. There are light brown coronal spots, brown speckling on the pronotum, and dark patches along the clavi and at the wing tips. Adult males are 4.3-4.8 mm, females are 5.1-5.9 mm. (Hamilton, 1983)
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Out of State Record(s)
Distribution: Endemic to the Southern Appalachians, especially North Carolina and Tennessee
Abundance: Locally common in the Smoky Mountains, not necessarily restricted to high elevations (BG)
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Montane forests, brushy areas
Plant Associates:
Comment: This species is one of several Evacanthus found in North Carolina that have a similar color pattern: bellaustralis, chlamidatus, and ustanucha. See each species' respective page for how to identify each species. All three species have identical genitalia; however, they are not variants of a single species since long series collected in different localities reveal little variation in the characters. The almost entirely pale corium (the thicker basal half of the wing) is unique in this genus.

There are 134 specimens collected from GSMNP and Highlands in the Canadian National Collection.

Status: Native
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Species Photo Gallery for Evacanthus bellaustralis No Common Name

Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: W.R.M. Mason
Out Of State Co.
Comment: This is the holotyperncoll. July 2, 1957rnphoto from the Canadian National Collection
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: W.R.M. Mason
Out Of State Co.
Comment: This is the holotyperncoll. July 2, 1957rnphoto from the Canadian National Collection
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by:
Haywood Co.
Comment: female
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: Mark H. Brown
Swain Co.
Comment: near Clingman's Dome
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: Tim Forrest
Madison Co.
Comment: female
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: Tim Forrest
Madison Co.
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: Tim Forrest
Madison Co.
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: Tim Forrest
Madison Co.
Evacanthus bellaustralisPhoto by: Mark H. Brown
Swain Co.
Comment: found around 6,000 ft