Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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Carynota marmorata (Say, 1830) - Marbled Treehopper     MEMBRACIDAE Members: NC Records Public View

© John Rosenfeld

© Ted Wilcox

© Ted Wilcox

© Ted Wilcox

description A very striking species that is variable in color and pattern, usually some shade of chestnut-brown, and typically mottled with irregular yellowish to greenish-white speckling across the pronotum. The speckling varies between individuals, with some heavily spotted individuals and others with broader, more connected pale [yellow] patches that may form transverse bands across the pronotum. This species has a fairly high and rounded pronotal crest, and the pronotum is coarsely punctate and sparingly pubescent. The head is triangular and marked with red and yellow patches; it is finely punctate and sparingly pubescent. The eyes are red to black. The tegmina is smoky hyaline with prominent veins. The underside of the body is chestnut and the legs are ferruginous. Adults are 8 mm long and 4 mm wide. (Kopp & Yonke, 1974)

For more images of adults, see: BG.

distribution Eastern North America
abundance Rare to uncommon, recorded from several counties in the Piedmont and mountains. Seasonal distribution: 6 June-30 July (CTNC)
habitat Where birch trees (Betula) occur.
plant associates Betula sp. (CTNC); Betula papyrifera (paper birch) and hazel (Kopp & Yonke, 1974); Alnus incana (gray alder), Corylus americana (American hazelnut), Populus (cottonwood), and Quercus alba (white oak) (Wallace 2014).
status [Native:] [Introduced:] [Extirpated:]
list_type [Official:] [Provisional:]
adult_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens
Identifiable from photos showing undersides, or other specialized views [e.g., legs, face]
Identifiable only by close inspection of structural features or by DNA analysis NULL
nymph_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos, especially where associated with known host plants
Identifiable from close inspection of specimens or by DNA analysis
Identifiable only through rearing to adulthood NULL
tribe Telamonini

Species Photo Gallery for Carynota marmorata Marbled Treehopper

Photo by: John Rosenfeld
Out Of State Co.
Photo by: Barb Mack
Macon Co.
Comment: originally posted to iNat: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/50400505. Found in a wetland area near a river.
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper