Moths of North Carolina
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9 NC Records

Epiblema mandana (Kearfott, 1907) - No Common Name

Family: TortricidaeP3 Number: 621104.00 MONA Number: 3123.00
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Photographs: MPG, BugGuide, iNaturalist, Google, BAMONA, GBIF, BOLDTechnical Description, Adults: Wright and Gilligan (2023)                                                                                 
Adult Markings: The following description is based on that of Wright and Gilligan (2023). In this species the vertex and thorax are brown, while the frons is tan. The antenna is brown with conspicuous black marks on the pedicel and the scape. The third segment of the labial palp is black, and the lateral surface of the second segment is pale brown with a diffuse black mark near the dorsal margin. The lateral surface of first segment has a faint black dot. The forewing is medium brown and often has grayish tints. The fasciate markings seen on many other Epiblema species are absent to barely discernable, and when present are represented as slightly darker shades of brown. The dorsal (interfascial) spot is slightly paler than the adjacent sub-basal and median areas and sometimes has faint orange-brown tints, but is never sharply defined. The ocellus is whitish and conspicuous, and the costal strigulae are white and separated by orange-brown lines that extend from the costa towards the termen. Strigula 7 has an associated prominent gray stria that extends to the termen, which has a narrow salt-and-pepper colored band that extends from the tornus to the apex. The hindwing is uniformly gray brown.

This species is mostly easily confused with E. abruptana, but the latter typically has black fasciate markings on the forewing versus a rather uniformly medium-brown coloration for E. mandana. In addition, the black terminal tip of the palp is usually easily seen on E. mandana when viewed from above, versus being hidden or barely visible on E. abruptana. Both species have a black mark at the base of the antenna, but it is more pronounced on E. mandana. Some specimens may need to be dissected to examine genitalia.
Forewing Length: 5.3-7.7 mm; mean = 6.8 mm (Wright and Gilligan, 2023).
Adult Structural Features: Wright and Gilligan (2023) has descriptions and illustrations of the male and female genitalia.
Adult ID Requirements: Identifiable from photos showing hindwings, abdomen, or other specialized views [e.g., frons, palps, antennae, undersides].
Immatures and Development: The larval life history is undocumented.
Distribution in North Carolina
Distribution: Wright and Gilligan (2023) identified specimens from Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia. As of 2024, our records are all from the Piedmont and lower-elevations in the Blue Ridge.
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments: Specimens that were identified by Wright and Gilligan (2023) from different areas of the range were collected from April through August. As of 2024, our records extend from late-May through early-August.
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Our records are mostly from fragmented landscapes that have mixtures of forests, pastures, fields, residential developments and roadway corridors.
Larval Host Plants: The larval host plants are undocumented. - View
Observation Methods: The adults are attracted to lights.
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: GNR[S3S4]
State Protection:
Comments: This species may be more common than our records suggest due to confusion with sibling species. More information is needed on its distribution and host use before we can accurately assess its conservation status.

 Photo Gallery for Epiblema mandana - No common name

Photos: 10

Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik on 2024-07-08
Chatham Co.
Recorded by: David George, Stephen Dunn, Jeff Niznik on 2023-07-31
Macon Co.
Recorded by: Lenny Lampel on 2023-07-28
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: Lenny Lampel on 2023-07-28
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: David George, Stephen Dunn, Jeff Niznik on 2023-07-06
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Steve Hall on 2022-08-02
Durham Co.
Recorded by: David George, L. M. Carlson on 2022-07-14
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2022-06-27
Madison Co.
Recorded by: tom ward on 2022-05-30
Buncombe Co.
Recorded by: tom ward on 2021-06-28
Buncombe Co.