Moths of North Carolina
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1 NC Records

Bucculatrix inusitata Braun, 1963 - No Common Name

Family: BucculatricidaeP3 Number: 330013.00 MONA Number: 496.00
Comments: Bucculatrix is a large genus of small leaf-mining moths, with around 300 species worldwide. A total of 103 Nearctic species have been described, and many others will likely be described in the future. Braun (1963) covered 99 species in her monograph, and four additional Nearctic species have been described since then.
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Photographs: MPG, BugGuide, iNaturalist, Google, BAMONA, GBIF, BOLDTechnical Description, Adults: Braun (1963)                                                                                 
Adult Markings: Braun's (1963) monograph on North American species of Bucculatrix remains the authoritative work on this group. The following is based on her study of specimens from throughout the range of this species. The head is white and the tuft may have a few brownish hairs. The antennal eye-cap is white, while the stalk is pale grayish ocherous and darker towards the tip. The thorax is white. The ground of the forewing is lustrous white and the markings ocherous. From just beyond the base to one-third the wing length, there is a pale longitudinal streak that is often faint or absent. Beginning at the basal third of the costa, there is an oblique streak that curves outward below the costa and narrows. It usually meets a second oblique costal streak behind it. This streak also narrows before extending as a narrow line to a small group of black-tipped raised scales on the termen near the tornus. At two-thirds, there is an irregular spot of variable size, with dark-tipped scales. These often encroach upon a triangular white area immediately before the apex and partially in the cilia. This triangular area extends across the wing to the group of dark-tipped raised scales near the tornus. Along its outer margin the smooth lustrous white scales of the general ground color form a narrow, almost irridescent bar lying alongside of the black-tipped scales which margin the termen. A second line of scales is present in the cilia, which are white before the apex, fuscous tinged opposite the apex, and white at the tornus. Their dark tips are at about the basal third of the cilia and curve inward near the apex toward the terminal line of black-tipped scales. From the middle of the dorsum there is a more or less distinct oblique streak that curves to the middle of the wing. The hindwings and cilia are grayish ocherous, while the legs are dull ocherous and shaded with fuscous. Braun (1963) notes that the best distinguishing wing characters of this species are the pure white triangular costal area before the apex, and the narrow lustrous white bar along the termen. The latter stands out sharply when light strikes it at an angle.
Wingspan: 9.5 to 10 mm (Braun, 1963)
Adult Structural Features: The male and female genitalia, along with associated scale tufts and patches, are distinctive and are described and illustrated by Braun (1963). The following are her verbatim descriptions. Male: harpes bilobed on inner side at apex, the lobes with heavy setae, sinus between them unarmed; socii long, slightly enlarging at apex and here with sparse slender setae, proximad of apex, setae short and curved; subscaphium strongly sclerotized, long ciliate; free arms of gnathos long, slender, short setose on their basal half; anellus an elongate cone; aedeagus tapering to the slender tip. Scale sac present. Female: ovipositor lobes sparsely long setose;
ostium unspecialized; ductus bursae forked in segment 7, the forks entering bursa dorsally near its posterior end; signum a ring broad ventrally, narrow dorsally; spines long and slender.
Adult ID Requirements: Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens.
Immatures and Development: The larval life history is undocumented.
Distribution in North Carolina
Distribution: Bucculatrix inusitata is primarily found in the northeastern US and adjoining areas of Canada. Braun (1963) documented specimens from Quebec, Ontario, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. MPG shows one record from Indiana. As of 2021, we have a single record from a high elevation site in Avery Co.
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

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