Moths of North Carolina
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Scientific Name:
Common Name:
Family (Alpha):
ADELIDAE-Fairy moths
BATRACHEDRIDAE-Batrachedrid Moths
BEDELLIIDAE-Bedelliid Moths
CHOREUTIDAE-Metalmark Moths
COLEOPHORIDAE-Casebearer Moths and Relatives
COSMOPTERIGIDAE-Cosmopterigid Moths
COSSIDAE-Carpenter Moths, Goat Moths
CRAMBIDAE-Grass Moths, Snout Moths
DREPANIDAE-Hook-tips and Thyatirid Moths
ELACHISTIDAE-Grassminer Moths and Relatives
EREBIDAE-Erebid Moths
GELECHIIDAE-Gelechiid Moths; Twirler Moths
GEOMETRIDAE-Geometer Moths, Loopers
GRACILLARIIDAE-Leafblotch miner moths
HELIOZELIDAE-Shield bearer moths
HEPIALIDAE-Ghost or Swift Moths
LASIOCAMPIDAE-Tent Caterpillar Moths, Lappet Moths
LECITHOCERIDAE-Long-horned Moths
LIMACODIDAE-Slug Caterpillar Moths
LYONETIIDAE-Lyonetiid Moths
MOMPHIDAE-Mompha Moths
NEPTICULIDAE-Minute leaf miners
OECOPHORIDAE-Oecophorid Moths
PLUTELLIDAE-Diamondback Moths
PSYCHIDAE-Bagworm Moths
PYRALIDAE-Pyralid Moths, Snout Moths
SATURNIIDAE-Giant Silkworm Moths
SCHRECKENSTEINIIDAE-Schreckensteiniid Moths
SESIIDAE-Clearwing Moths
THYRIDIDAE-Window-winged Moths
TINEIDAE-Clothes moths
TISCHERIIDAE-Tischerid Moths
TORTRICIDAE-Leafroller Moths
URODIDAE-Urodid Moths
YPSOLOPHIDAE-Ypsolophid Moths
Geometridae Members:
Acasis viridata
Aethalura intertexta
Alsophila pometaria
Anavitrinella pampinaria
Antepione thisoaria
Anticlea multiferata
Anticlea vasiliata
Apodrepanulatrix liberaria
Besma endropiaria
Besma quercivoraria
Biston betularia
Cabera erythemaria
Cabera quadrifasciaria
Cabera variolaria
Campaea perlata
Caripeta angustiorata
Caripeta aretaria
Caripeta divisata
Caripeta piniata
Cepphis armataria
Cepphis decoloraria
Ceratonyx satanaria
Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria
Chloropteryx tepperaria
Cladara atroliturata
Cladara limitaria
Cladara unidentified species
Cleora projecta
Cleora sublunaria
Cleora unidentified species
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria
Cyclophora myrtaria
Cyclophora nanaria
Cyclophora new species 1 nr. culicaria
Cyclophora packardi
Cyclophora pendulinaria
Cyclophora unidentified species
Cymatophora approximaria
Dichorda iridaria
Digrammia continuata
Digrammia eremiata
Digrammia gnophosaria
Digrammia ocellinata
Digrammia ordinata
Disclisioprocta stellata
Dyspteris abortivaria
Dysstroma citrata
Dysstroma hersiliata
Dysstroma truncata
Ectropis crepuscularia
Ennomos magnaria
Ennomos subsignaria
Entephria lagganata
Entephria separata
Epimecis hortaria
Epirrhoe alternata
Epirrita autumnata
Episemasia solitaria
Erannis tiliaria
Erastria coloraria
Erastria cruentaria
Eubaphe mendica
Eubaphe meridiana
Euchlaena amoenaria
Euchlaena deductaria
Euchlaena effecta
Euchlaena irraria
Euchlaena johnsonaria
Euchlaena madusaria
Euchlaena marginaria
Euchlaena milnei
Euchlaena muzaria
Euchlaena obtusaria
Euchlaena serrata
Euchlaena tigrinaria
Euchlaena unidentified species
Eufidonia convergaria
Eufidonia notataria
Eufidonia unidentified species
Eugonobapta nivosaria
Eulithis diversilineata
Eulithis explanata
Eulithis gracilineata
Eulithis molliculata
Eulithis propulsata
Eulithis unidentified species
Eumacaria madopata
Euphyia intermediata
Eupithecia absinthiata
Eupithecia affinata
Eupithecia broui
Eupithecia cimicifugata
Eupithecia cocoata
Eupithecia coloradensis
Eupithecia columbiata
Eupithecia exudata
Eupithecia fletcherata
Eupithecia herefordaria
Eupithecia indistincta
Eupithecia jejunata
Eupithecia lariciata
Eupithecia matheri
Eupithecia miserulata
Eupithecia mutata
Eupithecia palpata
Eupithecia peckorum
Eupithecia perfusca
Eupithecia regina
Eupithecia russeliata
Eupithecia satyrata
Eupithecia subfuscata
Eupithecia swettii
Eupithecia tripunctaria
Eupithecia unidentified species
Eusarca confusaria
Eusarca fundaria
Eusarca packardaria
Eutrapela clemataria
Exelis pyrolaria
Gandaritis atricolorata
Geometrinae unidentified species
Glena cognataria
Glena cribrataria
Glena plumosaria
Glenoides texanaria
Gueneria similaria
Haematopis grataria
Heliomata cycladata
Heliomata infulata
Hesperumia sulphuraria
Heterophleps refusaria
Heterophleps triguttaria
Homochlodes fritillaria
Horisme intestinata
Hydrelia albifera
Hydrelia condensata
Hydrelia inornata
Hydrelia lucata
Hydrelia unidentified species
Hydria unidentified species
Hydriomena divisaria
Hydriomena exculpata
Hydriomena pluviata
Hydriomena renunciata
Hydriomena transfigurata
Hydriomena unidentified species
Hypagyrtis brendae
Hypagyrtis esther
Hypagyrtis unidentified species
Hypagyrtis unipunctata
Hypomecis buchholzaria
Hypomecis gnopharia_umbrosaria complex
Hypomecis longipectinaria
Hypomecis umbrosaria
Hypomecis unidentified species
Idaea bonifata
Idaea celtima
Idaea demissaria
Idaea eremiata
Idaea furciferata
Idaea hilliata
Idaea micropterata
Idaea obfusaria
Idaea ostentaria
Idaea productata
Idaea scintillularia
Idaea tacturata
Idaea violacearia
Ilexia intractata
Iridopsis cypressaria
Iridopsis defectaria
Iridopsis ephyraria
Iridopsis humaria
Iridopsis larvaria
Iridopsis pergracilis
Iridopsis unidentified species
Iridopsis vellivolata
Lambdina canitiaria
Lambdina fervidaria
Lambdina fiscellaria
Lambdina pellucidaria
Lambdina unidentified species
Leptostales crossii
Leptostales ferruminaria
Leptostales laevitaria
Leptostales pannaria
Lobocleta ossularia
Lobocleta peralbata
Lobocleta plemyraria
Lobocleta unidentified species
Lobophora nivigerata
Lomographa glomeraria
Lomographa semiclarata
Lomographa vestaliata
Lophosis labeculata
Lycia ypsilon
Lytrosis heitzmanorum
Lytrosis permagnaria
Lytrosis sinuosa
Lytrosis unitaria
Macaria aemulataria
Macaria aemulataria-promiscuata
Macaria aequiferaria
Macaria bicolorata
Macaria bisignata
Macaria distribuaria
Macaria fissinotata
Macaria granitata
Macaria minorata
Macaria multilineata
Macaria pinistrobata
Macaria promiscuata
Macaria pustularia
Macaria signaria
Macaria subcessaria
Macaria transitaria
Macaria ulsterata
Macaria unidentified species
Macaria varadaria
Martania basaliata
Melanolophia canadaria
Melanolophia signataria
Melanolophia unidentified species
Mellilla xanthometata
Mesoleuca ruficillata
Metanema determinata
Metanema inatomaria
Metarranthis amyrisaria
Metarranthis angularia
Metarranthis duaria
Metarranthis homuraria
Metarranthis hypochraria
Metarranthis indeclinata
Metarranthis lateritiaria
Metarranthis mollicularia
Metarranthis obfirmaria
Metarranthis pilosaria
Metarranthis refractaria
Metarranthis unidentified species
Nematocampa baggettaria
Nematocampa resistaria
Nemoria bifilata
Nemoria bistriaria
Nemoria elfa
Nemoria lixaria
Nemoria mimosaria
Nemoria outina
Nemoria rubrifrontaria
Nemoria saturiba
Nemoria tuscarora
Nemoria unidentified species
Nepytia canosaria
Nepytia semiclusaria
Nepytia unidentified species
Operophtera bruceata
Orthofidonia exornata
Orthofidonia flavivenata
Orthofidonia tinctaria
Orthonama obstipata
Paleacrita merriccata
Paleacrita vernata
Pasiphila rectangulata
Patalene olyzonaria
Pero ancetaria
Pero antidiscaria
Pero honestaria
Pero morrisonaria
Pero unidentified species
Pero zalissaria
Petrophora divisata
Petrophora subaequaria
Phaeoura quernaria
Phigalia denticulata
Phigalia strigataria
Phigalia titea
Phigalia unidentified species
Pimaphera sparsaria
Plagodis alcoolaria
Plagodis fervidaria
Plagodis kuetzingi
Plagodis phlogosaria
Plagodis pulveraria
Plagodis serinaria
Pleuroprucha insulsaria
Probole amicaria
Probole nepiasaria
Prochoerodes lineola
Protitame unidentified species
Protitame virginalis
Protoboarmia porcelaria
Psamatodes abydata
Rheumaptera hastata
Rheumaptera meadii
Rheumaptera prunivorata
Rheumaptera undulata
Rheumaptera undulata-prunivorata
Scopula aemulata
Scopula cacuminaria
Scopula compensata
Scopula inductata
Scopula lautaria
Scopula limboundata
Scopula ordinata
Scopula purata
Selenia alciphearia
Selenia kentaria
Sicya macularia
Spargania magnoliata
Sphacelodes vulneraria
Stamnodes gibbicostata
Stenoporpia polygrammaria
Synchlora aerata
Synchlora frondaria
Synchlora unidentified species
Tacparia detersata
Tacparia zalissaria
Tetracis cachexiata
Tetracis crocallata
Thalera pistasciaria
Timandra amaturaria
Tornos abjectarius
Tornos cinctarius
Tornos scolopacinaria
Trichodezia albovittata
Trigrammia quadrinotaria
Venusia cambrica
Venusia comptaria
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Xanthorhoe iduata
Xanthorhoe labradorensis
Xanthorhoe labradorensis-packardata complex
Xanthorhoe lacustrata
Xanthorhoe packardata
Xanthorhoe unidentified species
Xanthotype attenuaria
Xanthotype rufaria
Xanthotype sospeta
Xanthotype unidentified species
Xanthotype urticaria
Hypagyrtis brendae
Hypagyrtis esther
Hypagyrtis unidentified species
Hypagyrtis unipunctata
29 NC Records
Hypagyrtis brendae
R.L. Heitzman, 1975 - Brenda's Hypagyrtis
view caption
Comparison of Hypagyrtis brendae and esther. Specimens and photo from J.B. Sullivan. Brendae: June 5, 1994, Dare County; June 11, 2009, Bladen County. Esther: males: June 25, 2000, Avery County; July 21, 1993, Craven County; females: September 14, 2012, Halifax County; May 19, 2011, Warren County.
P3 Number:
MONA Number:
This New World genus contains 7 species, 1 neotropical and 6 from North America, three of which occur in North Carolina (piniata may also be possibly present in the mountains -- Wagner et al., 2001). This genus shows a large range of variation, however, and its taxonomy still appears to be unsettled. Forbes (1948) stated that "the species or forms of this genus are completely confused and show no satisfactory differences in genitalia -- they may be merely races and strains, but breeding from known foods will be needed to make sure."
Species Status:
This species was first discovered in North Carolina -- and presumably the entire East Coast -- in 1994 by S. Hall, who collected 210 individuals in a single light trap set out in a dense, mature stand of Atlantic White Cedars located on the mainland of Dare County (Fussell et al., 1995). Specimens from North Carolina have since been barcoded and are distinct from those from the mid-west, the type locality of the species and we suspect that North Carolina specimens are an undescribed species. The only other population of Hypagyrtis brendae that has been found in association with Atlantic White Cedars is located in the Florida Panhandle (Kons and Borth, 2007).
Field Guide Descriptions:
Covell (1984)
Online Resources:
Technical Description, Adults:
Heitzman (1974)
Technical Description, Immature Stages:
None are known.
Adult Markings:
Size and coloration are similar to esther, with the subterminal area shaded with rusty brown and the medial and basal areas shaded with grayish-brown or violet-gray (Macaria transitaria is also very similar but has simple rather than pectinate antennae and a different wing shape). The median line is much more developed in brendae than in esther (where it is typically missing or obscure), forming a wide diffuse band on the hindwing in particular. On the forewing, the median line runs straight and obliquely across the wing, converging with the postmedian at the inner margin. Both of these lines meet the inner margin at an acute angle whereas in esther, the postmedian makes a perpendicular intersection with the inner margin (see Heitzman, 1974, for a description and illustration). In brendae, the dark line component of the post median line is also narrow, sharp and distinct. As in other Hypagyrtis, females are larger, longer-winged, and have a more scalloped outer margin on the hindwing.
Adult Structural Features:
Antennae are pectinate in the males, simple in the females. In the male the median area of the gnathos is pinched so that it resembles a spoon, unlike in the other two species. In the female the signum is quadrate and the ostial area is larger and better sclerotized. These characters seem distinct but additional dissections are needed to be sure.
Structural photos
Male reproductive structures
Female reproductive structures
Adult ID Requirements:
Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens.
Immatures and Development:
Larvae and pupae do not appear to have been described. It seems likely that the eggs overwinter.
Larvae ID Requirements:
Identifiable only through rearing to adulthood.
Distribution in North Carolina
Restricted to stands of Atlantic White Cedar in the Outer Coastal Plain and Sandhills.
County Map:
Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments:
Covell (1984) reports two broods in the Mississippi Valley. Our data indicate that there may be two or three broods or possibly that the species flies during most of the growing season.
Habitats and Life History
Nearly all of our records come from peatland habitats containing stands of Atlantic White Cedar. Only a single specimen has been caught at a site that did not have any White Cedar present but where there may have been some undiscovered stands in the vicinity. All the rest came from traps placed within stands of this tree. Populations have been found in large peatdomes, Carolina Bays, and Streamhead Atlantic White Cedar communities in the Sandhills.
Larval Host Plants:
Larvae are believed to feed on Atlantic White Cedar (
Chamaecyparis thyoides
) in North Carolina, though this needs to be confirmed by rearing. Host plants are poorly documented for
H. brendae
throughout much of its range, which includes areas where Atlantic White Cedar is not found. -
Observation Methods:
Comes very well to 15 watt UV lights, with up to 215 captured in a single trap at the Dare County Bombing Range. It is unlikely to come to bait or to flowers.
See also Habitat Account for
Atlantic White Cedar Forests
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks:
G4 S2S3
State Protection:
Listed as Significantly Rare by the Natural Heritage Program. That designation, however, does not confer any legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.
This species is an extreme specialist on a now highly restricted host plant and habitat type. Atlantic White Cedar is a highly prized timber species and many stands -- including most of those on the Dare County Bombing Range where this species was originally found in the state -- have been cut. Peatdomes, including the one on the Dare County mainland, are also vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise, with vast acreages expected to be lost within the foreseeable future. Any loss, degradation, or fragmentation of the habitat used by such an extreme habitat specialist may make it increasingly difficult for it to recover from environmental perturbations. We judge the risks to this species accordingly as very high. If it is discovered to represent a separate species from the Midwestern form, as seems likely, its global status will also need to be revised.
Photo Gallery for
Hypagyrtis brendae
- Brenda's Hypagyrtis
Photos: 3
Recorded by: Jeff Niznik on 2024-06-15
Scotland Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka and Bo Sullivan on 2021-08-10
Richmond Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka, Bo Sullivan and Steve Hall on 2021-06-09
Richmond Co.