Photo Gallery for Phyllonorycter basistrigella - None | 49 photos are available. Only the most recent 30 are shown.
 | Recorded by: John Petranka on 2024-08-07 Orange Co. Comment: A reared adult from Quercus rubra. |  | Recorded by: John Petranka on 2024-08-07 Orange Co. Comment: A reared adult from Quercus rubra. |
 | Recorded by: John Petranka on 2024-08-03 Orange Co. Comment: Mine containing pupa was found on Northern Red Oak, Quercus rubra. Adult eclosed four days later on 8/7/2024 and was submitted as a separate record (ee companion photos of the adult from 2024-08-07). |  | Recorded by: John Petranka on 2024-08-03 Orange Co. Comment: Mine containing pupa was found on Northern Red Oak, Quercus rubra. Adult eclosed four days later on 8/7/2024 and was submitted as a separate record (ee companion photos of the adult from 2024-08-07) |
 | Recorded by: Stephen Dunn on 2024-07-30 Orange Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik, Stephen Dunn on 2024-06-29 Chatham Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2024-06-08 Mecklenburg Co. Comment: An adult that was reared from a blotch mine on a Quercus alba leaf collected on 6/1/24 and kept outdoors in the interim (see companion photo of the mine). |  | Recorded by: Jeff Niznik, David George on 2024-06-01 Durham Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2024-06-01 Mecklenburg Co. Comment: A blotch mine on a Quercus alba leaf collected on 6/1/24 and kept outdoors in the interim (see companion photo of the adult that emerged on 2024-06-08). |  | Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2024-06-01 Mecklenburg Co. Comment: A blotch mine on a Quercus alba leaf collected on 6/1/24 and kept outdoors in the interim (see companion photo of the adult that emerged on 2024-06-08). |
 | Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2024-06-01 Mecklenburg Co. Comment: A blotch mine on a Quercus alba leaf collected on 6/1/24 and kept outdoors in the interim (see companion photo of the adult that emerged on 2024-06-08). |  | Recorded by: David George, Tracy Feldman on 2024-05-21 Wake Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: David George, Tracy Feldman on 2024-05-21 Wake Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: Jeff Niznik, David George on 2024-05-20 Durham Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: Jeff Niznik, David George on 2024-05-20 Durham Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-12-29 Mecklenburg Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-12-29 Mecklenburg Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2023-12-29 Mecklenburg Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: Stephen Dunn on 2023-11-17 Orange Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: Stephen Dunn on 2023-11-17 Orange Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: David George on 2023-10-16 Durham Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: David George, Stephen Dunn, Jeff Niznik on 2023-08-10 Orange Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: David George, Stephen Dunn, Jeff Niznik on 2023-08-10 Orange Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2023-07-21 Madison Co. Comment: |
 | Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2023-07-21 Madison Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2023-03-18 Rutherford Co. Comment: Adult was reared from Chestnut Oak; mine on Oct 21, 2022; adult on March 18, 2023 after overwintering in refrigerator. |
 | Recorded by: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin on 2022-10-21 Rutherford Co. Comment: Occupied mines were on Chestnut Oak. |  | Recorded by: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin on 2022-10-21 Rutherford Co. Comment: A larva that is in the process of gathering frass to form a pupation chamber. |
 | Recorded by: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin on 2022-10-21 Rutherford Co. Comment: |  | Recorded by: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin on 2022-08-25 Clay Co. Comment: |