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Scientific Name:
Common Name:
Family (Alpha):
ADELIDAE-Fairy moths
BATRACHEDRIDAE-Batrachedrid Moths
BEDELLIIDAE-Bedelliid Moths
CHOREUTIDAE-Metalmark Moths
COLEOPHORIDAE-Casebearer Moths and Relatives
COSMOPTERIGIDAE-Cosmopterigid Moths
COSSIDAE-Carpenter Moths, Goat Moths
CRAMBIDAE-Grass Moths, Snout Moths
DREPANIDAE-Hook-tips and Thyatirid Moths
ELACHISTIDAE-Grassminer Moths and Relatives
EREBIDAE-Erebid Moths
GELECHIIDAE-Gelechiid Moths; Twirler Moths
GEOMETRIDAE-Geometer Moths, Loopers
GRACILLARIIDAE-Leafblotch miner moths
HELIOZELIDAE-Shield bearer moths
HEPIALIDAE-Ghost or Swift Moths
LASIOCAMPIDAE-Tent Caterpillar Moths, Lappet Moths
LECITHOCERIDAE-Long-horned Moths
LIMACODIDAE-Slug Caterpillar Moths
LYONETIIDAE-Lyonetiid Moths
MOMPHIDAE-Mompha Moths
NEPTICULIDAE-Minute leaf miners
OECOPHORIDAE-Oecophorid Moths
PLUTELLIDAE-Diamondback Moths
PSYCHIDAE-Bagworm Moths
PYRALIDAE-Pyralid Moths, Snout Moths
SATURNIIDAE-Giant Silkworm Moths
SCHRECKENSTEINIIDAE-Schreckensteiniid Moths
SESIIDAE-Clearwing Moths
THYRIDIDAE-Window-winged Moths
TINEIDAE-Clothes moths
TISCHERIIDAE-Tischerid Moths
TORTRICIDAE-Leafroller Moths
URODIDAE-Urodid Moths
YPSOLOPHIDAE-Ypsolophid Moths
Gracillariidae Members:
Acrocercops albinatella
Acrocercops astericola
Acrocercops unidentified species
Anarsioses aberrans
Aristaea pennsylvaniella
Caloptilia alnivorella
Caloptilia azaleella
Caloptilia belfragella
Caloptilia bimaculatella
Caloptilia blandella
Caloptilia cornusella
Caloptilia coroniella
Caloptilia flavella
Caloptilia glutinella
Caloptilia hypericella
Caloptilia invariabilis
Caloptilia juglandiella
Caloptilia negundella
Caloptilia ostryaeella
Caloptilia packardella
Caloptilia paradoxum
Caloptilia porphyretica
Caloptilia rhoifoliella
Caloptilia sassafrasella
Caloptilia serotinella
Caloptilia stigmatella
Caloptilia superbifrontella
Caloptilia triadicae
Caloptilia umbratella
Caloptilia unidentified species
Caloptilia violacella
Cameraria aceriella
Cameraria aesculisella
Cameraria arcuella
Cameraria bethunella
Cameraria betulivora
Cameraria caryaefoliella
Cameraria castaneaeella
Cameraria cincinnatiella
Cameraria conglomeratella
Cameraria corylisella
Cameraria fasciella
Cameraria fletcherella
Cameraria guttifinitella
Cameraria hamadryadella
Cameraria hamameliella
Cameraria lentella
Cameraria macrocarpella
Cameraria obstrictella
Cameraria ostryarella
Cameraria picturatella
Cameraria quercivorella
Cameraria saccharella
Cameraria tubiferella
Cameraria ulmella
Cameraria unidentified species
Chrysaster ostensackenella
Cremastobombycia ignota
Cremastobombycia solidaginis
Cremastobombycia unidentified species
Cryptolectica strigosa
Leucanthiza amphicarpeaefoliella
Leucospilapteryx unidentified species
Leucospilapteryx venustella
Macrosaccus morrisella
Macrosaccus robiniella
Macrosaccus uhlerella
Marmara apocynella
Marmara auratella
Marmara fasciella
Marmara fraxinicola
Marmara new species 1 - on Symplocos
Marmara new species 10 - on Benthamidia and Swida
Marmara new species 11 - on Dysphania or Chenopodium
Marmara new species 12 - on Euphorbia
Marmara new species 13 - on Gardenia
Marmara new species 14 - on Gelsemium
Marmara new species 15 - on Ilex spp.
Marmara new species 16 - on Impatiens
Marmara new species 17 - on Iva spp.
Marmara new species 18 - on Liquidambar
Marmara new species 19 - on Morella
Marmara new species 2 - on Clematis
Marmara new species 20 - on Nyssa
Marmara new species 21 - on Oxydendrum leaf
Marmara new species 22 - on Oxydendrum stem
Marmara new species 23 - on Passiflora
Marmara new species 24 - on Quercus alba
Marmara new species 25 - on Quercus margaretiae and virginiana
Marmara new species 26 - on Rosa
Marmara new species 27 - on Senna
Marmara new species 28 - on Ulmus
Marmara new species 29 - on Vaccinium
Marmara new species 3 - on Acer spp.
Marmara new species 4 - on Acer negundo
Marmara new species 5 - on Borrichia
Marmara new species 6 - on Carpinus
Marmara new species 7 - on Ostrya
Marmara new species 8 - on Carya spp.
Marmara new species 9 - on Cercis
Marmara serotinella
Marmara smilacisella
Marmara unidentified species
Marmara viburnella
Micrurapteryx salicifoliella
Neurobathra strigifinitella
Neurobathra unidentified species
New genus and species near Neurobathra
Parectopa lespedezaefoliella
Parectopa plantaginisella
Parectopa robiniella
Parectopa unidentified species
Parornix geminatella
Parornix obliterella
Parornix preciosella
Parornix unidentified species
Parornix vicinella
Phyllocnistis ampelopsiella
Phyllocnistis hyperpersea
Phyllocnistis insignis
Phyllocnistis liquidambarisella
Phyllocnistis liriodendronella
Phyllocnistis New Species one
Phyllocnistis subpersea
Phyllocnistis unidentified species
Phyllocnistis vitegenella
Phyllocnistis vitifoliella
Phyllonorycter aeriferella
Phyllonorycter albanotella
Phyllonorycter argentifimbriella
Phyllonorycter argentinotella
Phyllonorycter auronitens
Phyllonorycter basistrigella
Phyllonorycter caryaealbella
Phyllonorycter celtifoliella
Phyllonorycter celtisella
Phyllonorycter crataegella
Phyllonorycter diversella
Phyllonorycter fitchella
Phyllonorycter intermixta
Phyllonorycter lucetiella
Phyllonorycter lucidicostella
Phyllonorycter maestingella
Phyllonorycter mariaeella
Phyllonorycter martiella
Phyllonorycter New Species one
Phyllonorycter obscuricostella
Phyllonorycter occitanica
Phyllonorycter ostryaefoliella
Phyllonorycter propinquinella
Phyllonorycter quercialbella
Phyllonorycter rhododendrella
Phyllonorycter salicifoliella
Phyllonorycter scudderella
Phyllonorycter tiliacella
Phyllonorycter trinotella
Phyllonorycter unidentified species
Phyllonorycter viburnella
Porphyrosela desmodiella
Porphyrosela minuta
Porphyrosela unidentified species
Povolnya quercinigrella
Telamoptilia hibiscivora
Phyllonorycter aeriferella
Phyllonorycter albanotella
Phyllonorycter argentifimbriella
Phyllonorycter argentinotella
Phyllonorycter auronitens
Phyllonorycter basistrigella
Phyllonorycter caryaealbella
Phyllonorycter celtifoliella
Phyllonorycter celtisella
Phyllonorycter crataegella
Phyllonorycter diversella
Phyllonorycter fitchella
Phyllonorycter intermixta
Phyllonorycter lucetiella
Phyllonorycter lucidicostella
Phyllonorycter maestingella
Phyllonorycter mariaeella
Phyllonorycter martiella
Phyllonorycter New Species one
Phyllonorycter obscuricostella
Phyllonorycter occitanica
Phyllonorycter ostryaefoliella
Phyllonorycter propinquinella
Phyllonorycter quercialbella
Phyllonorycter rhododendrella
Phyllonorycter salicifoliella
Phyllonorycter scudderella
Phyllonorycter tiliacella
Phyllonorycter trinotella
Phyllonorycter unidentified species
Phyllonorycter viburnella
3 NC Records
Phyllonorycter salicifoliella
(Chambers, 1875) - Willow Leaf Blotch Miner Moth
P3 Number:
MONA Number:
is a genus of small and often colorful moths, with 79 described species in North America. The larvae of most form underside tentiform mines on woody plants and pupate within the mines.
Field Guide Descriptions:
Online Resources:
Technical Description, Adults:
Davis and Deschka (2001)
Technical Description, Immature Stages:
Davis and Deschka (2001)
Adult Markings:
Davis and Deschka (2001) provided a comprehensive review of the Salix-feeding
species and noted that this wide-ranging species exhibits the greatest amount of morphological variation of any North American
. Variation occurs in both external features and the genitalia and has caused much confusion among workers. As an example, adults that were mostly reared and previously identified as
P. salicifoliella
by a highly respected and knowledgeable worker on the Gracillariidae contained representatives of five species of
. Most of the confusion reflects variation in the forewing pattern and male genitalia. The genitalia tend to show normal within-population uniformity but also exhibit conspicuous between-population differences that in some cases may occur between adjacent populations. Genitalia and DNA bar-coding probably provide the most reliable way to identify specimens. The following description is based on Davis and Deschka (2001).
The adults tend to fall into two general types that include a heavily dusted dark form and a much brighter and boldly marked whitish form. The head tuft is rough and has variable mixtures of white and brown scales that are usually mostly white. The antenna has a scape and pedicel that is usually entirely white, but occasionally slightly brownish dorsally. The flagellomeres are variable, but are usually mostly white with a brownish suffusion over the dorsal apex. In some cases they can be mostly brown with whitish basal annulations. The labial palp is either entirely white or with a brownish suffusion ventrally. The dorsum of the thorax is usually white and lightly irrorated with dark brown to fuscous, but sometimes can be mostly reddish brown.
The forewing is slender and golden brownish and usually has five costal and four dorsal white streaks. There is also a dorsal white spot at the base of the wing that can vary from being large and prominent in the lighter forms to greatly reduced in the darker forms. The ground color of the forewing varies from light golden to reddish brown and is variably marked with white streaks and scattered dark brown to fuscous scales. There are five whitish costal streaks, with the basal two the most oblique. These are sometimes indistinct in dark specimens. There is usually a large, white basal spot on the dorsum that in dark specimens may be largely obliterated by reddish brown scales. Four white dorsal streaks are usually present beyond the basal spot. The basal two are the broadest and are sometimes joined to the costal streaks. The outer two streaks are narrower, and the costal and dorsal pairs are often joined, but with the distal-most band usually separated by an elongate, subapical fuscous spot. The termen has a fuscous margin and the fringe is pale gray. The hindwing is uniformly gray, while the legs are generally light fuscous dorsally and become progressively paler on the mid- and hind legs. The apices of the tibial and tarsal segments are white.
Forewing Length:
3-4 mm (Davis and Deschka, 2001)
Adult Structural Features:
Davis and Deschka (2001) has detailed descriptions and illustrations of the male and female genitalia.
Immatures and Development:
Females attach their flat eggs to the lower leaf surface. A given female normally lays one egg per leaf, but a leaf can have several mines that are the product of two or more females. The first three instars are sap feeders, while the last two switch to consuming parenchyma tissue. The first instar produce a slender, serpentine to wedge-shaped, subepidermal tract on the underside of the leaf that is enlarged by the next two instars to form an oval blotch (Davis and Deschka, 2001). The later instars typically do not enlarge the area of the mine, but simply feed deeper into the leaf tissue. Silk that is spun across the mine causes the mine to pull together to form a tentiform structure with a single longitudinal fold (rarely two or three folds may be evident). The granular frass is collected at one end of the mine and pupation occurs within the mine in a silken cocoon that is often located near the center.
Distribution in North Carolina
This species is widely distributed across North America from Mississippi to Ontario in the East and from southern California to northern British Columbia in the West. Populations also have been found in the central Rocky Mountains, the Ozarks, and in the southern Appalachians. As of 2022, we have one verifiable record from Haywood County in the western mountains.
County Map:
Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Immature Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments:
Phyllonorycter salicifoliella
appears to be bivoltine in many areas of the range, particularly where populations are found at lower elevations or in the southern portion of the range (Davis and Deschka, 2001). The mines are first produced in July to mid-August, with a second brood mining from late August to November. The adults overwinter and begin flying in May to early June after the spring warm-up.
Habitats and Life History
This species is typically associated willow thickets and to a lesser extent poplar stands.
Larval Host Plants:
The larvae mostly mine willow leaves, but will occasionally feed on poplars, particularly Balsam Poplar (
P. balsamifera
) and Quaking Aspen (
P. tremuloides
). A variety of willows are used (Davis and Deschka, 2001), many of which are found at northern latitudes or in western North America. These include White Willow (
Salix alba
), Peachleaf Willow (
S. amygdaloides
), Weeping Willow (
S. babylonica
), Bebb's Willow (
S. bebbiana
), Bonpland willow (
S. bonplandiana
; =
), Carolina Willow (
S. caroliniana
), Missouri River Willow (
S. eriocephala
), Arroyo Willow (
S. lasiolepis
), Yellow Willow (
S. lutea
), Mountain Willow (
S. monticola
), Purple Willow (
S purpurea
), Scouler's willow (S. scouleriana), and Silky Willow (
S. sericea
). -
Observation Methods:
Local populations are best documented by rearing adults from mines on willows.
See also Habitat Account for
Shoreline Shrublands
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks:
State Protection:
This mostly northern species appears to be rare in North Carolina. As of 2022 we have only one verifiable record from a site in Haywood County.
Photo Gallery for
Phyllonorycter salicifoliella
- Willow Leaf Blotch Miner Moth
Photos: 7
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2022-10-16
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2022-10-16
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2022-09-25
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: An occupied mine on Salix nigra; the adult was reared and emerged on October 16.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2022-09-25
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: Ken Kneidel on 2022-09-25
Mecklenburg Co.
Recorded by: E.J. van Nieukerken & C. Doorenweerd on 2010-10-13
Haywood Co.
Comment: BOLD specimen WOGRA008-13. Mine collected on 2010-09-28; adult emerged on 2010-010-13. CreativeCommons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2012); License Holder: Naturalis, Biodiversity Centre
Recorded by: E.J. van Nieukerken & C. Doorenweerd on 2010-10-13
Haywood Co.
Comment: Mine collected on 2010-09-28; adult emerged on 2010-010-13. BOLD specimen WOGRA010-13. Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2012); License Holder: Naturalis, Biodiversity Centre.