The Dragonflies and Damselflies of North Carolina
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Elusive Clubtail

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Click on county for list of all its records for Elusive Clubtail
Flight Charts
Distribution This Northern/Midwestern species has been attributed to NC by one or more references, and supposedly there is a sight record for Wake County. Cuyler has no record for NC, however. The range certainly approaches NC to the north (VA) and west (TN and n.w. GA), so it is certainly possible that the species occurs in the state.
Abundance Unknown if it occurs in NC.
Flight The GA record is for May 16. Likely looked for in NC in May and June.
Habitat Larger rivers and lakes, with sandy bottoms.
Behavior The species is well-named. Adults are notoriously difficult to net, as they perch high in treetops and make wide foraging bouts over water, usually far from shore.
Comments This northern/midwestern species has been attributed to NC by one or more references (including Bick and Mauffray [1997-2004]), and supposedly there is a sight record for Wake County. Cuyler has no record for NC, however. The range certainly approaches NC to the northwest (extreme southeastern KY) and west (central TN and northwestern GA), so it is possible that the species could occur in the state. The species is very difficult to study; adults are notoriously difficult to net, as they perch high in treetops and make wide foraging bouts over water, usually far from shore.
State Rank SR
State Status W4
Global Rank G3
Federal Status FSC
Other Name
Species account update: legrand1234

Photo Gallery for Elusive Clubtail   0 photos are shown. Other NC Galleries:    Jeff Pippen    Will Cook    Ted Wilcox