The Dragonflies and Damselflies of North Carolina
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North Carolina's 189 Odonate species

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Northern Pygmy Clubtail

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Click on county for list of all its records for Northern Pygmy Clubtail
Flight Charts
Distribution A somewhat northern species, ranging south in the mountains to VA and KY, and sparingly to northern NC.
Habitat Small, rocky, and clear streams, in wooded areas but where there are often some small light gaps.
Behavior Males perch on rocks in creeks and rivers, but they also perch on tree trunks.
Comments Though this species appeared on some earlier lists of odonates for the state, we were unable to locate specimen records or other documentation for it. In 2012 we received a file of all 17,900 NC specimen records housed at the University of Florida, most of which were contributed by Duncan Cuyler. There were four or five records (from Avery County) for this species listed on this file. However, Bill Mauffray at the Museum photographed these specimens, at our request, sending the photos to others for review. His conclusion, supported by the other reviewers, was that most or all appeared to be Southern Pygmy Clubtails, which also occurs in the general area, though one specimen could possibly be a Northern. The specimens are over 40 years old, and fungus on them has made it difficult to see the crucial lateral stripe pattern on the thorax that might separate the two species. Thus, the species needs to remain on the "reported but lacking confirmation" list (Appendix A), though, of course, at least one specimen might have been correctly identified. Observers should look for the species in the northern mountains in May and June. The nearest record in the OdonataCentral database is from the Roanoke, VA, area, about 50 miles north of the NC border.
State Rank SR
State Status
Global Rank G4
Federal Status
Other Name
Species account update: legrand1234

Photo Gallery for Northern Pygmy Clubtail   0 photos are shown. Other NC Galleries:    Jeff Pippen    Will Cook    Ted Wilcox