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Stream Cruiser (Didymops transversa) by Mark Shields
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Identification Tips: Move the cursor over the image, or tap the image if using a mobile device, to reveal ID Tips.
Note: these identification tips apply specifically to mature males; features may differ in immature males and in females.

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Click on county for list of all its records for Stream Cruiser
Flight Charts
Distribution Essentially statewide, but scarce in the extreme eastern coastal areas (where most dragonfly species are also scarce to absent).
Abundance Fairly common to common, and very widespread, across the Piedmont and at least the western and southern halves of the Coastal Plain. Uncommon in the lower Coastal Plain and in the mountains (where records are increasing, perhaps simply owing to more surveys). There are very few observers in the northern half of the Coastal Plain, and the scarcity of recent records there should not be taken as a decline in that region.
Flight Mid-March to mid-July, though primarily in the spring (i.e., mainly in April and May). There are a few records well into August and early September, but the flight is generally over in July. The flight in the mountains starts in early April.
Habitat A wide variety of creeks and rivers (though typically smaller rivers); rarely at lakes.
Behavior Males patrol back and forth across streams. Adults are more often seen flying and perched well away from water, along dirt roads, sunny trails, and edges. They perch obliquely on twigs and other vegetation low to the ground, as do spiketails and darners (with which they often fly).
Comments Other than another Didymops species in Florida, this is the only member of its genus in most of the United States. Though unique from that standpoint, at a casual glance it could be confused with some darners, spiketails, or river cruisers. However, it is easily separated from all but river cruisers by its single yellow band on the side of the thorax, its yellow facial bar, and single pale yellow spots (not paired) on the top of the abdominal segments. The river cruisers have green (or brighter green) eyes and are blacker on the abdomen (not so brown), they fly later in summer, and they seldom perch near the ground. The Stream Cruiser is reasonably unwary, often allowing close study while perched obliquely on a twig.
State Rank S5
State Status
Global Rank G5
Federal Status
Other Name
Species account update: LeGrand on 2023-01-10 15:09:22

Photo Gallery for Stream Cruiser   55 photos are available.
Only the most recent 30 are shown.
Other NC Galleries:    Jeff Pippen    Will Cook    Ted Wilcox
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 1 by: John Petranka

Comment: Chatham, 2024-04-15, White Pines Natural Area - Mating pair
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 2 by: Owen McConnell

Comment: Durham, 2024-04-06, Near pond on south side of Brickhouse Rd. - Near Duck Blind for handicapped veterans
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 3 by: Amy Padgett

Comment: Bladen, 2024-04-05, Turnbull Creek Educational State Forest - Edge of the creek path
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 4 by: Kevin Metcalf

Comment: Mecklenburg, 2024-03-21, Piedmont Pines Nature Preserve - one male, one female
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 5 by: K. Metcalf

Comment: Mecklenburg, 2024-03-21, Piedmont Pines Nature Preserve - 1 male, 1 female observed
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 6 by: P Dixon

Comment: Madison, 2024-02-18, Hot Springs, in the French Broad in sand by tree roots
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 7 by: Matt Spangler

Comment: Macon, 2023-05-13, Highlands--Ravenel Lake
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 8 by: John Gerwin

Comment: Randolph, 2023-05-12, Lassiter Mill; caught in bird mist nets
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 9 by: John Petranka

Comment: Orange, 2023-04-02, Hollow Rock Nature Park, West of Pickett Road, New Hope Creek Floodplain, Orange County, NHCBP - Female
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 10 by: Tom Howe

Comment: Swain, 2022-06-06, among vegetation at edge of wetland - female
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 11 by: P Dixon

Comment: Madison, 2022-04-17, Polecat Road
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 12 by: Hubert Szczygiel

Comment: Clay, 2021-04-21, Chatuge Lake, Lat: 35.004712 Lon: -83.777509 . - Female.
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 13 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2021-04-20, Hot Springs area
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 14 by: Jan Hansen

Comment: Chatham, 2021-04-07, White Pines Preserve - 2 over the Rocky River and another in the power line cut near the parking area
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 15 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-05-10, Hot Springs area, River Road, sunny, 60s
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 16 by: Kevin Metcalf

Comment: Mecklenburg, 2020-04-21, - Latta Nature Preserve, in powerline ROW
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 17 by: Chuck Smith

Comment: Rowan, 2020-04-07, Eagle Point Nature Preserve. - 1 male and 1 female.
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 18 by: Jan Hansen

Comment: Orange, 2020-04-03, Brumley Forest North-Silo Pond
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 19 by: John Petranka

Comment: Burke; M, 2019-05-21, Linville River at Linville Falls Campground, Blue Ridge Parkway. - Male.
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 20 by: Chuck Smith

Comment: Jackson, 2019-05-14, Panthertown Valley, along Mac's Gap Trail ca. 50 meters southeast of its junction with Granny Burrell Falls Trail. - Female.
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 21 by: Mark Shields, Hunter Phillips

Comment: Montgomery, 2019-04-22, Uwharrie River downstream from mouth of Moccasin Creek
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 22 by: John Petranka, Mark Shields

Comment: Orange, 2019-04-18, Eno River State Park (ENRI) Cole Mill Section. Along powerline corridor SW of Old Cole Mill Rd. - Both sexes including one mating pair.
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 23 by: Mark Shields, Hunter Phillips

Comment: Wayne, 2019-04-15, Cliffs of the Neuse State Park (CLNE) - female
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 24 by: Mark Shields

Comment: Chatham, 2018-05-05, White Pines Nature Preserve - males foraging over trail along Rocky River
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 25 by: Mark Shields

Comment: Onslow, 2018-04-13, Stones Creek Game Land
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 26 by: John Petranka

Comment: Scotland, 2018-04-04, Lumber River State Park (LURI), Chalk Banks Access. - Males.
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 27 by: Mark Shields

Comment: Jones, 2018-04-03, Weetock Trail near Haywood Landing, Croatan National Forest - female
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 28 by: John Petranka

Comment: Watauga, 2017-05-17, Trout Lake, Julian Price Park, Blue Ridge Parkway. - Males.
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 29 by: Mark Shields

Comment: Bladen, 2017-04-16, South River at Ennis Bridge Road bridge
Stream Cruiser, Didymops transversaPhoto 30 by: Curtis Smalling

Comment: Robeson, 2017-04-12, at WRC put-in on river; 34.591680, -78.983892