The Dragonflies and Damselflies of North Carolina
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Entries: Today YesterdayWeek 30 days 64,762 records. 1,536 added/modified this year.
8 entries made/modified today.
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[ 1 ]Two-striped Forceptail Cabarrus County [Aphylla williamsoni] 1 seen on 2023-09-08,
At private pond SW of Concord. iNaturalist record # 182352311 - Female eating a wasp  » Travis McLain has (Photo)
[ 2 ]Twin-spotted Spiketail Cabarrus County [Cordulegaster maculata] 1 seen on 2023-06-01,
At private pond SW of Concord. iNaturalist record # 165006726 - male  » Travis McLain has (Photo)
[ 3 ]Twelve-spotted Skimmer Cabarrus County [Libellula pulchella] 1 seen on 2022-09-16,
At private pond SW of Concord. iNaturalist record # 135271958 - male  » Travis McLain (Photo) online 1
[ 4 ]Twelve-spotted Skimmer Cabarrus County [Libellula pulchella] 1 seen on 2024-05-10,
At private pond SW of Concord. iNaturalist record # 215528286 - male  » Travis McLain has (Photo)
[ 5 ]Twelve-spotted Skimmer Cabarrus County [Libellula pulchella] 1 seen on 2023-09-08,
At private pond SW of Concord. iNaturalist record # 182563317 - male  » Travis McLain has (Photo)
[ 6 ]Roseate Skimmer Cabarrus County [Orthemis ferruginea] 1 seen on 2023-09-28,
At private pond SW of Concord. iNaturalist record # 185293503 - male  » Travis McLain has (Photo)
[ 1 ]Atlantic Bluet Nash County [Enallagma doubledayi] 1 seen on 2024-07-24,
Northgreen, Rocky Mount; iNaturalist record #231540285  » Sarah Oberlin has (Photo)
[ 1 ]Two-striped Forceptail Richmond; C County [Aphylla williamsoni] 8 seen on 2024-07-22,
- McKinney Lake Fish Hatchery Ponds. Likely an undercount.  » Lucas Wilson (Sight)