Reptiles of North Carolina
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Emydidae Members:
NC Records

Pseudemys concinna floridana - Coastal Plain Cooter

Pseudemys concinna floridana
Photo: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin
Class: Reptilia Order: Testudines Family: Emydidae Subfamily: Deirochelyinae
Taxonomic Comments:
Species Comments:
Basis for Records: Well-marked specimens from the Coastal Plain may be identifiable from their shell markings, which need to be clearly visible in a photograph submitted as the basis for a record. Photographs of the plastron can be helpful. Older individuals become darkened and the pattern may become obscured and specimens from the zone of intergradation may not be identifiable even based on close inspection. In those cases, the record should be submitted for the full species.
Field Marks: The pattern on the carapace lacks the concentric markings found in subspecies concinna (Palmer and Braswell, 1995) and the 2nd pleural has a vertical or forked pale line instead of a C-shaped mark tyical of concinna. The plastron in floridana is plain yellow, whereas in concinna it is yellow to orange and frequently has a dark figure. There are typically less than 11 head stripes in floridana and more than that number in concinna.
Morphological Features: The carapace in floridana is elongated and slightly arched, compared to flattened in concinna (Palmer and Braswell, 1995)
Technical Reference: Palmer and Braswell (1995); Ernst and Lovich (2009)
Online Photos:    Google   iNaturalist   GBIF
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Key Habitat Requirements
Habitat: This subspecies, known as the Florida Cooter, inhabits ponds, swamps, slow-flowing creeks, canals, and other sluggish water habitats, usually with abundant aquatic vegetation upon which it feeds (Palmer and Braswell, 1995).
Life History and Autecology
General Ecology
Adverse Environmental Impacts
Status in North Carolina

Photo Gallery for Pseudemys concinna floridana - Coastal Plain Cooter

1 photos are shown.

Pseudemys concinna floridanaRecorded by: Jim Petranka and Becky Elkin
Washington Co.