Reptiles of North Carolina
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Pseudemys rubriventris
Northern Red-bellied Cooter
One of eight species in this genus that occurs in North America north of Mexico (SSAR, 2017). Two have been recorded in North Carolina. In a molecular analysis of this genus, however, Spinks et al. (2...Northern Red-bellied Turtles, as both the common and scientific names imply, has a pinkish to reddish plastron, unlike the yellow to orange plastrons found in River Cooters and Pond Sliders. The carp......Northern Red-bellied Cooters inhabit lakes, ponds, canals, and other still and sluggish waters (Palmer and Braswell, 1995). This species is reported to use brackish habitats farther north but we do no............
Coluber constrictor
North American Racer
Coluber is a monotypic genus of long, slender snakes, ranging widely across much of North America, from extreme southwestern Canada down the Pacific Coast, across the midwest, and across most o.........Habitats include various types of forests, shrublands, fields, and wetland edges (Palmer and Braswell, 1995; Beane et al., 2010; and Gibbons, 2017)....Racers are frequently encountered active during the day, and may be sampled using drift fences and cover objects..........
Trachemys scripta
Pond Slider
One of two species that occurs in North American north of Mexico; other members of this genus are widespread in Central and South America (Seidel, 2002). Only Trachemys scripta occurs in North Carolin...See individual subspecies..................
Hemidactylus turcicus
Mediterranean Gecko
One of six species in this very large Old World genus -- Wikipedia lists 190 species -- that have become established in North America north of Mexico (SSAR, 2016). Only this species can be considered ...The body is semi-transparent and the color ranges from gray to pinkish- or whitish-gray. Darker spots are scattered over the dorsal surface, which also bears small turbercles; these extend on to the l...This is our only species of lizard that vocalizes, making mouse-like squeaks that are repeated at more-or-less regular intervals (Beane et al., 2010; Powell et al., 2016). Dominant males also issue cl...This gecko is associated with human habitations, where it finds shelter, warmth, and food in the form of anthropophilic insects....This species is completely nocturnal and becomes active in houses once the lights have been turned off for the night.......SNA (SE)As an introduced species that is highly associated with human dwellings, Mediterranean Geckos have essentially no value in terms of conserving our native biodiversity. They are, however, harmless and ...
Scincella lateralis
Little Brown Skink
This is the sole member of this genus occurring in North America (SSAR, 2017) and the only member of the subfamily Lygosominae. Powell et al. (2016) includes it in a separate family, the Sphenomorphid...This small, completely brown-shaded skink is likely to be confused only with the Coal Skink in North Carolina, and only in the small area in the southern mountains where the ranges of these two specie......Little Brown Skinks are ground-dwelling species that need abundant leaf litter or other ground cover for foraging and sheltering. Although they have been observed in open fields (Palmer and Braswell, ...Little Brown Skinks are often detected by the rustling sounds they make in running through the leaf litter. They can also be found by turning over woody debris or trash.......As an abundant inhabitant of most types of forests, this species appears to be secure within the state....
Rhadinaea flavilata
Pine Woods Littersnake
Rhadinaea currently consists of 21 species of slender, small-to-medium sized dipsadine snakes found in the southeastern United States and throughout Mesoamerica. Garcia-Sotelo et al. (2021) pre.........Pine Woods Littersnakes occupy dry to mesic woodlands in the Coastal Plain with a substantial component of pines. These include maritime forests on the barrier islands; loblolly-dominated forests in t...Pine Woods Littersnakes are usually found under loose bark and debris, or in and around fallen logs. They can be sampled using drift fences with pitfall trap arrays (e.g., Enge and Wood, 2002), and us...Few studies of Pine Woods Littersnake ecology have been undertaken, and information on population structure, abundance, etc., are largely lacking. Myers (1967) reported a 1:1 sex ratio across all samp...Given the lack of population-level data on Pine Woods Littersnakes in North Carolina, it is difficult to estimate the security of the species in the state. The susceptibility of this species to the em...
Thamnophis sirtalis
Common Gartersnake
Thamnophis currently consists of 38 species of slender to moderately-sized natricid snakes, ranging widely across most of North America, from Canada through the majority of the United States an.........Although Eastern Garter Snakes are most common around the edges of bogs, ponds, and other wetlands they can be found in most terrestrial habitats in the state, with only the most xeric habitats unused...Common Gartersnakes may be incidentally encountered under cover objects or active both day and night. They can also be found crossing roads..........
Thamnophis saurita
Eastern Ribbonsnake
Thamnophis currently consists of 38 species of slender to medium-sized natricid snakes, ranging widely across most of North America, from Canada through the majority of the United States and Me.........Ribbonsnakes occur principally around the margins of ponds, marshes, bogs, streams, and other wetland habitats, especially shorelines that are well-vegetated with herbs and shrubs (Palmer and Braswell...Eastern Ribbonsnakes may be incidentally encountered under cover objects along or near shallow streams and rivers. They can also be found crossing roads.......We suspect that oddly disjunct nature of the distribution of this species may be the result of the near elimination of beavers from North America close to the beginning of the 20th Century. Some recov...
Nerodia sipedon
Common Watersnake
Nerodia, as currently considered, consists of ten species of semiaquatic, moderately large natricid snakes native to eastern and central North America, ranging from southern Canada down to the .........Common Watersnakes occupy a broader range of habitats in the state than any other of our aquatic snakes. In the Piedmont and Mountains, they are associated with both still and flowing waters, occurrin...Common Watersnakes are common in and near bodies of water. They can be occasionally encountered crossing roads between habitats..........
Chrysemys picta
Painted Turtle
Chrysemys is a purely North American genus, with two species currently recognized (SSAR, 2016). Only C. picta occurs in North Carolina....Painted Turtles typically have two oval yellow spots on their heads and both yellow and red stripes on their necks. In Cooters and Yellow-bellied Sliders, the heads and necks have patterns of yellow s......Painted Turtles occur primarily in well-insolated ponds, lakes, sloughs, marshes and other still or slow-flowing freshwater habitats with soft bottoms and often with abundant aquatic vegetation (Palme...Basking individuals are most the frequently spotted, although they will rapidly enter the water if a human observer is detected. Females may sometimes be detected as they move overland to their nestin.........
Pseudemys concinna
River Cooter
One of eight species in this genus that occurs in North America north of Mexico (SSAR, 2017). Two have been recorded in North Carolina. In a molecular analysis of this genus, however, Spinks et al. (2...A large pond turtle with a dark gray body and a dark gray to brownish carapace variably marked with concentric or irregular pale lines. The plastron is yellow to orange-yellow in this species, unlike ......Habitats for this species combine those of the two subspecies: well-insolated lentic and lotic habitats with abundant aquatic vegetation are used....Frequently observed basking on rocks and logs but quickly entering the water when disturbed; several individuals may use the same basking sites and may climb on top of one another.........
Virginia valeriae
Smooth Earthsnake
Virginia, as currently considered, is a monotypic genus of small, secretive natricid snakes endemic to the eastern and central United States. Previously, the rough earthsnake (Haldea striatu.........Smooth Earthsnakes occur in a wide variety of forested habitats and woodland edges across the state. These include both hardwood and pine-dominated habitats and they can be found in semi-wooded urban...Smooth Earthsnakes may be sampled using drift fences with pitfall traps and cover objects. They may be incidentally encountered under cover objects, and within rotting logs and fallen trees..........
Lepidochelys kempii
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle
One of two species in this genus (SSAR, 2016), and the only one that occurs in North Carolina...Kemp's Ridley is a small grey to olive-colored sea turtle with a heart-shaped or circular carapace. The plastron and lower surfaces of the flippers, neck, and chin are white.......This species is associated with fairly shallow salt waters. In North Carolina, both neritic (sublittoral) wasters are used off the beaches, as are the sounds and river estuaries. These waters are cons...Usually observed in the water from boats......This species is considered to be the most endangered sea turtle in the world and is certainly a significant conservation concern here in North Carolina....
Carphophis amoenus
Common Wormsnake
Carphophis consists of two species of small, fossorial dipsadine snakes endemic to the eastern United States. No comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the genus has been completed. Carphophis.........Common Wormsnakes are abundant in mesic forests. Although they can sometimes be found out in open, hebaceous areas, that occurs only where they are located close to forests (Palmer and Braswell, 1995;...Common Wormsnakes may be sampled using drift fences with pitfall traps and cover objects. They are frequently incidentally encountered under cover, even in human-altered habitats such as yards and gar...Common Wormsnakes are often the most abundant species in suitable habitat (e.g. Willson and Dorcas, 2004). Famously, in one hour Carl Ernst and students collected over 100 individuals under cover obje...Common Wormsnakes are secure in the state, given their high relative abundance and near state-wide distribution. The susceptibility of this species to the emerging fungal pathogen Ophidiomyces ophi...
Farancia abacura
Red-bellied Mudsnake
Farancia consists of two species of secretive, mid-to-large bodied aquatic dipsadine snakes endemic to the southeastern United States (Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast). No comprehensive molec.........Red-Bellied Mudsnakes inhabit a variety of still or sluggishly flowing waters in the Coastal Plain, including ponds, marshes, swamps, canals, and slow-flowing streams, especially where there is abunda...Passive trapping with partially-submerged minnow traps or larger "trashcan traps" can be effective at capturing foraging aquatic snakes, including F. abacura (Luhring and Jennison, 2008; Durso .........
Anolis carolinensis
Green Anole
The Green Anole is our sole native member of a group of more than 400 species that inhabits the Caribbean and Central and South America. Two species occur in our area, one of which, A. sagrei, ...This species is able to change colors from brown to green, depending on a number of environmental and and social factors; it does not, however, change its colors to match its background. A pale, mid-d......The Green Anole is a climbing species and the presence of trees, shrubs, or woody vines are primary habitat requirements; buildings and other man-made structures offer new substrates that they can mak...The territorial displays of the males make them quite conspicuous. Females and juveniles, on the other hand, are usually hard to spot due to their cryptic coloration.......Currently, Green Anoles appear to be secure within the state, although that can change if Brown Anoles begin to spread or other exotic members of this genus become established....
Crotalus adamanteus
Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake
Crotalus is a diverse genus of more than 50 species of venomous rattlesnake found across North and South America, from southern Canada to Argentina. .........Diamond-backs appear to be primarily associated with mesic to wet flatwoods and peatland habitats in the Coastal Plain. These include lowland Longleaf Pine flatwoods and savannas, Carolina Bays, pocos...Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnakes are extremely rare in the state, but is diurnal and occasionally found in stump holes and similar burrows..........
Opheodrys aestivus
Rough Greensnake
Opheodrys is a genus of slender, terrestrial colubrid snakes endemic to eastern and central North America. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have led to the recognition of three species, on.........Rough Greensnakes are mainly arboreal and appear to require shrubs, vines, or trees as habitat elements. They are associated with forests but also occur commonly along forest-field edges and in shorel...Rough Greensnakes are almost strictly diurnal, and are most frequently encountered terrestrially crossing roads or paths between habitats. They are arboreal and good climbers, and may be found in vege.........
Lampropeltis getula
Eastern Kingsnake
Lampropeltis consists of 27 species of moderately slender colubrid snakes, ranging widely across much of North America, from southern Canada to as far south as Ecuador. .........Eastern Kingsnakes occur in most kinds of terrestrial habitats in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain but are especially common near ponds, streams, swamps and other water bodies (Palmer and Braswell, 1995...Eastern Kingsnakes can be commonly found under cover objects or crossing roads during the day..........
Storeria occipitomaculata
Red-bellied Snake
Storeria, as currently considered, consists of four species of small, semi-fossorial natricid snakes found throughout much of the eastern United States and into Mexico and Central America. The .........Red-bellied Snakes are primarily forest species but occur in both upland hardwoods, lowland pine flatwoods and savannas, sandridges, swamp margins, and wooded residential neighborhoods (Beane et al., ...Red-bellied Snakes may be sampled using drift fences with pitfall traps and cover objects. They may be incidentally encountered under cover objects, and frequently encountered in gardens and other sem.........
Liodytes pygaea
Black Swampsnake
Liodytes, as currently considered, consists of three species of small to medium-sized semiaquatic snakes native to the southeastern United States. .........Black Swampsnakes are associated with a variety of permanently flooded habitats in the Outer Coastal Plain, including ponds, swamps, streams, and canals, especially with abundant mats of sphagnum or f...Black Swampsnakes are secretive and difficult to sample. Aquatic sampling with naturally baited plastic minnow traps (Winne, 2005) may be most effective, though this species exhibits a high escape pro.........
Haldea striatula
Rough Earthsnake
Haldea, as currently considered, is a monotypic genus of small, secretive natricid snakes endemic to the southern and central United States. Originally described as part of Coluber, the .........Rough Earthsnakes are most common in the Coastal Plain, where they are associated with Longleaf Pine and Wiregrass dominated flatwoods and sandhills (Beane et al., 2010). As is true for many other spe...Rough Earthsnakes may be sampled using drift fences with pitfall traps and cover objects. They may be incidentally encountered under cover objects..........
Heterodon platirhinos
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
Heterodon consists of four species of small to medium-sized dipsadine snakes native eastern and central North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico. .........Eastern Hog-nose Snakes occur in both forests and fields, usually those that have sandy or loose soils and rarely in those that frequently flooded (Palmer and Braswell, 1995; Beane et al., 2010)....Eastern Hog-nosed Snakes may be found out in the open during the day, or under cover. Some may burrow in small mammal mounds, and others are encountered while crossing roads..........
Storeria dekayi
Dekay's Brownsnake
Storeria, as currently considered, consists of four species of small, semi-fossorial natricid snakes ranging throughout much of the eastern United States and into Mexico and Central America. Th.........The natural habitats occupied by Dekay's Brownsnake include hardwood forests, Longleaf Pine flatwoods, pocosins, and maritime shrublands (Palmer and Braswell, 1995). However, it is often common in dis...Dekay's Brownsnakes may be sampled using drift fences with pitfall traps and cover objects. They may be incidentally encountered under cover objects, and frequently encountered in gardens and other se.........
Plestiodon fasciatus
Common Five-lined Skink
One of thirteen species in this genus currently recognized in North America (SSAR, 2017); four occur in North Carolina.........Common Five-Lined Skinks prefer mesic hardwood forests but are also frequent in floodplain forests (Palmer and Braswell,1995; Beane et al., 2010). In addition to natural habitats, they can also be abu...Common Five-lined Skinks are often observed basking on sunlit logs and snags, or on porches and walls of houses. They can also be found by turning over logs and other debris, including under slabs and......This species is widespread in North Carolina and occupies fairly common types of habitats, including at least some residential areas. Consequently, it currently appears to be secure within North Carol...
Farancia erytrogramma
Rainbow Snake
Farancia consists of two species of secretive, mid-to-large bodied aquatic dipsadine snakes endemic to the southeastern United States (Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast). No comprehensive molec.........Habitats used by Rainbow Snakes include rivers, lakes, and brackish and freshwater marshes (Palmer and Braswell, 1995). They also use canals and large ditches (Beane et al., 2010), although they may n...Passive trapping with partially-submerged minnow traps or larger "trashcan traps" can be effective at capturing foraging aquatic snakes, including F. erytrogramma (Luhring and Jennison, 2008; D.........
Diadophis punctatus
Ring-necked Snake
Diadophis, as currently considered, is a monotypic genus of small dipsadid snakes found throughout much of the United States and northern Mexico. Originally described as part of Coluber,.........Ring-necked Snakes are associated primarily with mesic forests, including both hardwoods and pine-dominated stands (Palmer and Braswell, 1995; Beane et al., 2010)....Ring-necked Snakes may be sampled using drift fences with pitfall traps and cover objects. They may be incidentally encountered under cover objects..........
Liodytes rigida
Glossy Swampsnake
Liodytes, as currently considered, consists of three species of small to medium-sized semiaquatic snakes native to the southeastern United States. .........Glossy Swampsnakes are found in a variety of permanently flooded, still or sluggisly flowing waters in the Coastal Plain. These include sphagnum-choked streams, ponds, bays, swamps, and canals (Palme...Glossy Swampsnakes are secretive and difficult to sample. Aquatic sampling with minnow traps or trashcan traps (Luhring and Jennison, 2008) may be effective. They also may be occasionally encountered .........
Cemophora coccinea
Cemophora consists of two species of small, fossorial colubrid snakes found throughout in the southern and eastern United States..........This species occurs primarily in the southern Coastal Plain, where it is associated with xeric woodlands and barrens with extensive areas of well-drained sands. Maritime forests are used on the barri...Scarletsnakes may be sampled using drift fences with pitfall traps and cover objects. They may be incidentally encountered under cover objects or road-cruised, especially in rainy conditions. .........
Nerodia fasciata
Southern Watersnake
Nerodia, as currently considered, consists of ten species of semiaquatic, moderately large natricid snakes native to eastern and central North America, ranging from southern Canada down to the .........This species occurs in virtually all permanently and semi-permanently waters of the Coastal Plain. These include shallow bays, borrow pits, beaver ponds, sloughs, streams, rivers, swamps, and lakes (...Southern Watersnakes are common in and near bodies of water. They can be occasionally encountered crossing roads between habitats..........
Nerodia erythrogaster
Plain-bellied Watersnake
Nerodia, as currently considered, consists of ten species of semiaquatic, moderately large natricid snakes native to eastern and central North America, ranging from southern Canada down to the .........Plain-Bellied Watersnakes inhabit a wide variety of permanent or semi-permanent waters in the Coastal Plain,including ponds, lakes, swamps, marshes, and slow flowing streams (Palmer and Braswell, 1996...Plain-bellied Watersnakes may be found throughout the day. They are often near water, but may be found crossing open land or under cover objects. They can be commonly encountered on roads, and are oft.........
Nerodia taxispilota
Brown Watersnake
Nerodia, as currently considered, consists of ten species of semiaquatic, moderately large natricid snakes native to eastern and central North America, ranging from southern Canada down to the .........This species occurs primarily around the edges of large rivers, swamps, and lakes in the Coastal Plain, especially those with wooded shorelines (Palmer and Braswell, 1995)....Brown Watersnakes may be found during the day, almost always in or basking above bodies of water. They can be occasionally encountered crossing roads between habitats..........
Anolis sagrei
Brown Anole
The Brown Anole is an introduced member of a group of more than 400 species that inhabits the Caribbean and Central and South America. Two species occur in our area, one of which, A. carolinensisUnlike the native Green Anole, Brown Anoles do not have a green color phase and typically have a reticulated pattern of pale and dark streaks and spots on their bodies. Also note the shorter/thicker h......In Florida, the Brown Anole occupies essentially the same habitats as the Green Anole, which in that region consists largely of evergreen shrubs, vines, and trees, together with buildings and walls in...Brown Anoles are generally found on the ground or low on the sides of buildings, in grasses, bushes, or shrubs; most records in North Carolina are associated with landscaping centers or in areas where......SNA (SE)Although recorded across the state, the status of these occurrences appears to be unknown; many of these records may represent just a few stray individuals rather than established breeding populations...
Trachemys scripta troostii
Cumberland Slider
See species account.....................
Regina septemvittata
Regina, as currently considered, consists of two species of small to medium-sized semi-aquatic natricid snakes distributed throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, with an additional isolated popula.........Queen Snakes occur primarily in sunny, shallow, rocky rivers in the Piedmont and Mountains (Palmer and Braswell, 1995; Beane et al., 2010)....Queensnakes may be incidentally encountered under cover objects along or near shallow streams and rivers. .........
Lampropeltis elapsoides
Scarlet Kingsnake
Lampropeltis consists of 27 species of moderately slender colubrid snakes, ranging widely across much of North America, from southern Canada to as far south as Ecuador..........This species is associated with mixed pine-oak woodlands, including sandhills and flatwoods habitats in the Coastal Plain and upland pine-oak-heath woodlands in the Piedmont and Lower Mountains (Palme...Scarlet Kingsnakes are highly secretive, but may be found under cover objects, including pine bark..........
Micrurus fulvius
Harlequin Coralsnake
Micrurus is a highly diverse genus of dangerously venomous elapid snakes, currently consisting of more than 80 species. Most of the diversity of this genus is found in South America; only two s.........Coral Snakes are highly fossorial and are associated with well-drained sandy soils. In North Carolina, it occurs essentially only in xeric, pine-oak sandhill habitats in the Coastal Plain (Palmer and...Coralsnakes are rare in North Carolina. They are occasionally found active in areas with porous sandy soil. Others may be within cover, or when crossing roads..........
Heterodon simus
Southern Hog-nosed Snake
Heterodon, as currently considered, consists of four species of small to medium-sized dipsadid snakes native eastern and central North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico. .........Southern Hog-nosed Snakes are strongly associated with xeric, pine-oak sandhills in the Coastal Plain, all with well-drained, sandy or loose loamy soils (Palmer and Braswell, 1995; Beane et al., 2010)...Southern Hog-nosed Snakes may be found out in the open during the day, under cover in burrows, or while crossing roads..........
Masticophis flagellum
Masticophis currently consists of 11 species of long, slender snakes, ranging widely across most of western and southern North America; one species ranges south through Central America to north.........Coachwhips are characteristic of xeric, open woodlands with well-drained sandy soils. Most records come from the Coastal Plain where they are associated with dune grasslands, maritime scrub, and fores...Coachwhips are often seen actively moving during the day, and may be sampled using drift fences and cover objects..........
Apalone spinifera
Spiny Softshell
One of three species in this genus found in North America north of Mexico (SSAR, 2016); only the Spiny Softshell occurs in North Carolina....The shell and body of this species are olive or tan. Males and juveniles usually have a conspicuous pattern of well-defined dark rings and spots on the carapace; the carapace of females, in contrast, ......Spiny Softshell Turtles, including both of the two subspecies that occur in North Carolina, are associated with large rivers and impoundments with sandy bottoms (Palmer and Braswell, 1995; Beane et al............
Pantherophis alleghaniensis-quadrivittatus
Central/Eastern Ratsnake Complex
Pantherophis, as currently considered, consists of 8 species of medium-to-large colubrid snakes native to the eastern United States, Midwest, and northern Mexico. The taxonomy of the genus <.........Ratsnakes are adept climbers and spend much time up in trees, where they forage as well as seek shelter. Forested habitats, including hardwoods, pine stands, and cypress-gum swamps are all used. They ...Eastern Ratsnakes are relatively common in North Carolina. They are semi-arboreal, and are often found climbing trees, shrubs, buildings, and birdhouses. They may also be found opportunistically on ro.........
Sternotherus odoratus
Eastern Musk Turtle
One of six species in this genus that occur in North American north of Mexico (SSAR, 2016), two of which are found in North Carolina....The skin is usually grayish brown to black with some degree of mottling or flecking (Palmer and Braswell, 1995). There are usually two pale stripes on the sides of the head, including a line that runs......Eastern Musk Turtles are found in a wide variety of freshwater aquatic habitats across the state. Although they prefer the still waters of ponds or slowly-flowing streams, they also occur in at least ...Musk Turtles are often crepuscular. They bask to some extent, often floating at the surface but also climbing up into streamside shrubs. .........
Sternotherus peltifer
Stripe-necked Musk Turtle
One of six species in this genus that occur in North American north of Mexico (SSAR, 2016), two of which are found in North Carolina....The Striped-neck Musk Turtle has broad yellow stripes on the sides of its neck (Ernst and Lovich, 2009), which are missing in the nominate subspecies. However, these stripes are less prominent and mor......In North Carolina, Stripe-necked Musk Turtles are highly associated with muddy-bottomed streams, pools, rivers, springs, and swamps in the Hiwassee and French Broad River drainages (Palmer and Braswel.........This species occurs only marginally in North Carolina...
Pituophis melanoleucus
Eastern Pinesnake
Pituophis consists of 7 species of large-bodied colubrid snakes, the majority of which range across western North America from southern Canada to Guatemala. .........This species is fossorial and requires loose soils for burrowing. The majority of our records for Pinesnakes come from xeric pine-oak woodlands of sand barrens in the Coastal Plain (Palmer and Braswel...Eastern Pinesnakes are fossorial, and difficult to find. Most are found either on roads or under cover objects, or in burrows..........
Unestablished Non-native Species
Unestablished Non-native Species
This page is to collect incidental records of unestablished, non-native reptiles found in North Carolina. If there is evidence that a population of a non-native species has become established, a n.....................
Plestiodon unidentified speciesThis page is to collect records of Plestiodon that cannot be assigned to species with certainty......................
Kinosternon unidentified speciesThis page is to collect records of Kinosternon that cannot be assigned to species with certainty......................
Nerodia unidentified species
Nerodia unidentified species
This page is to collect records of Nerodia that cannot be assigned to species with certainty. This is especially relevant to N. sipedon/fasciata along the Fall Line, where the taxa are k.....................
Nerodia sipedon sipedon
Northern Watersnake
Here we provide range maps showing the approximate distributions of the subspecies in the state, recognizing that the current subspecific taxonomy may not correspond to molecular lineages in this spec.....................
Nerodia sipedon williamengelsi
Carolina Watersnake
Here we provide range maps showing the approximate distributions of this state-listed subspecies in the state, recognizing that the current subspecific taxonomy may not correspond to molecular lineage.........This subspecies occurs in salt and brackish marshes and tidal creeks around the margins of Pamlico Sound (Palmer and Braswell, 1995). It also uses freshwater ponds on adjoining terrestrial areas of th............