172 species for Buncombe County |
Colloquial | family | sciName | comName |
Funnel Weavers | AGELENIDAE | Agelenopsis naevia | a grass spider |
| | Agelenopsis pennsylvanica | a grass spider |
| | Agelenopsis utahana | a grass spider |
| | Coras medicinalis | a funnel weaver |
| | Coras montanus | a funnel weaver |
| | Tegenaria domestica | barn funnel weaver |
| | Wadotes calcaratus | a funnel weaver |
| | Wadotes hybridus | a funnel weaver |
Hacklemesh Weavers | AMAUROBIIDAE | Callobius bennetti | a hackledmesh weaver |
| | Cybaeopsis hoplites | a hackledmesh weaver |
| | Cybaeopsis hoplomachus | a hackledmesh weaver |
| | Amaurobius ferox | a hackledmesh weaver |
Folding Trapdoor Spiders | ANTRODIAETIDAE | Antrodiaetus microunicolor | a foldingdoor spider |
| | Antrodiaetus unicolor | a foldingdoor spider |
Ghost Spiders | ANYPHAENIDAE | Anyphaena fraterna | a ghost spider |
| | Anyphaena pectorosa | a ghost spider |
| | Arachosia cubana | a ghost spider |
| | Hibana gracilis | garden ghost spider |
Orb Weavers | ARANEIDAE | Araneus bicentenarius | lichenmarked orbweaver |
| | Araneus cingulatus | an orbweaver |
| | Araneus guttulatus | an orbweaver |
| | Araneus marmoreus | Marbled orbweaver |
| | Araneus miniatus | Black-spotted Orbweaver |
| | Araneus nordmanni | an orbweaver |
| | Araneus pegnia | Butterfly orbweaver |
| | Araneus saevus | an orbweaver |
| | Araniella displicata | Sixspotted orbweaver |
| | Argiope aurantia | yellow garden spider |
| | Argiope trifasciata | Banded garden spider, Banded Argiope |
| | Cyclosa conica | a trashline spider |
| | Eustala anastera | Humpbacked orbweaver |
| | Eustala cepina | an orbweaver |
| | Eustala emertoni | an orbweaver |
| | Hypsosinga rubens | an orbweaver |
| | Larinioides cornutus | Furrow orbweaver |
| | Mangora spiculata | an orbweaver |
| | Mastophora timuqua | a bolas spider |
| | Mecynogea lemniscata | Basilica orbweaver |
| | Metepeira labyrinthea | Labyrinth orbweaver |
| | Micrathena gracilis | spined Micrathena |
| | Micrathena mitrata | white micrathena |
| | Micrathena sagittata | Arrowshaped Micrathena |
| | Neoscona arabesca | Arabesque orbweaver |
| | Neoscona crucifera | a spotted orbweaver |
| | Verrucosa arenata | an orb weaver |
| | Mastophora phrynosoma | Toadlike Bolas Spider |
Purseweb Spiders | ATYPIDAE | Sphodros niger | a purseweb spider |
No Colloquial Name | CADDIDAE | Caddo agilis | |
| CHEIRACANTHIIDAE | Cheiracanthium inclusum | agrarian sac spider |
| CICURINIDAE | Cicurina arcuata | a mesh web spider |
| | Cicurina brevis | a mesh web spider |
Sac Spiders | CLUBIONIDAE | Elaver excepta | a sac spider |
Antmimics and Ground Sac Spiders | CORINNIDAE | Castianeira gertschi | Gertsch antmimic |
| | Castianeira longipalpa | manybanded antmimic |
No Colloquial Name | CYBAEIDAE | Cybaeus patritus | a cybaeid |
| | Cybaeus silicis | a cybaeid |
| | Calymmaria persica | a basket-web weaver |
Mesh Web Weavers | DICTYNIDAE | Dictyna formidolosa | |
| | Emblyna sublata | a mesh web spider |
No Colloquial Name | DYSDERIDAE | Dysdera crocata | Woodlouse Hunter |
Ground Spiders | GNAPHOSIDAE | Drassyllus frigidus | a ground spider |
| | Herpyllus ecclesiasticus | Parson spider |
| | Sosticus insularis | a ground spider |
| | Zelotes unidentified species | |
No Colloquial Name | HALONOPROCTIDAE | Ummidia unidentified species | a corklid trapdoor spider |
| HYPOCHILIDAE | Hypochilus coylei | A Lampshade Spider |
| | Hypochilus sheari | A Lampshade Spider |
| | Hypochilus pococki - central clade | A Lampshade Spider |
Sheetweb and Dwarf Spiders | LINYPHIIDAE | Ceraticelus emertoni | a dwarf spider |
| | Erigone autumnalis | a dwarf spider |
| | Mermessus brevidentatus | a dwarf spider |
| | Agyneta parva | a sheetweb weaver |
| | Florinda coccinea | Black-tailed red sheetweaver, scarlet sheetweaver |
| | Frontinella pyramitela | bowl and doily weaver |
| | Lepthyphantes umbratilis | |
| | Neriene radiata | Filmy dome spider |
| | Pityohyphantes costatus | hammock spider |
| | Linyphiidae unidentified species | a sheetweb weaver |
| | Acanthoneta furcata | a sheetweb weaver |
Wolf Spiders | LYCOSIDAE | Geolycosa fatifera | |
| | Gladicosa pulchra | a wolf spider |
| | Pardosa milvina | a thinlegged wolf spider spider |
| | Pardosa unidentified species | a thinlegged wolf spider |
| | Pirata montanus | a pirate wolf spider |
| | Pirata sedentarius | a pirate wolf spider |
| | Rabidosa rabida | Rabid Wolf Spider |
| | Schizocosa ocreata | Brushlegged wolf spider |
| | Tigrosa georgicola | a wolf spider |
| | Pirata sylvanus | a pirate wolf spider |
No Colloquial Name | MICROHEXURIDAE | Microhexura montivaga | Spruce-fir Moss Spider |
Pirate spiders | MIMETIDAE | Mimetus notius | a pirate spider |
Prowling Spiders | MITURGIDAE | Zora pumila | a prowling spider |
No Colloquial Name | MYSMENIDAE | Microdipoena guttata | a minute clasping weaver |
| NEPHILIDAE | Trichonephila clavata | an orbweaver |
Scaffold Web Spiders | NESTICIDAE | Nesticus nasicus | a cave cobweb spider |
| | Nesticus crosbyi | a cave cobweb spider |
| | Nesticus gertschi | a cave cobweb spider |
No Colloquial Name | PHALANGIIDAE | Odiellus pictus | |
Armoured harvestmen | PHALANGODIDAE | Bishopella laciniosa | |
| | Theromaster brunneus | |
Running Crab Spiders | PHILODROMIDAE | Philodromus montanus | |
| | Philodromus rufus | a running crab spider |
No Colloquial Name | PHOLCIDAE | Pholcus phalangioides | Longbodied cellar spider |
| PHRUROLITHIDAE | Phrurotimpus borealis | a phrurolithid |
| | Phrurotimpus unidentified species | a phrurolithid |
| | Scotinella pallida | |
| | Scotinella pugnata | |
| | Scotinella formica | |
| | Phrurotimpus palustris | a phrurolithid |
Nursery Web Spiders | PISAURIDAE | Dolomedes albineus | whitebanded fishing spider |
| | Dolomedes tenebrosus | Dark fishing spider |
| | Dolomedes triton | Six-spotted fishing spider |
| | Pisaurina mira | nursery web spider |
Jumping Spiders | SALTICIDAE | Anasaitis canosa | Twinflagged jumper |
| | Eris militaris | Bronze jumping spider |
| | Chinattus parvulus | a jumping spider |
| | Naphrys pulex | a jumping spider |
| | Habronattus decorus | a jumping spider |
| | Lyssomanes viridis | Magnolia green jumper |
| | Maevia inclemens | Dimorphic jumping spider |
| | Neon nelli | a jumping spider |
| | Paraphidippus aurantius | Emerald jumping spider |
| | Pelegrina proterva | a jumping spider |
| | Phidippus audax | Bold jumper, Daring jumping spider |
| | Phidippus clarus | Red-backed jumping spider |
| | Phidippus putnami | a jumping spider |
| | Phlegra hentzi | a jumping spider |
| | Platycryptus undatus | a jumping spider |
| | Colonus sylvanus | a jumping spider |
| | Maevia undescribed species B | Maevia undescribed species B |
| | Attulus fasciger | a jumping spider |
| | Maevia undescribed species D | Maevia undescribed species D |
No Colloquial Name | SCLEROSOMATIDAE | Hadrobunus unidentified species | |
| | Leiobunum aldrichi | |
| | Leiobunum flavum | |
| | Leiobunum uxorium | |
| | Leiobunum ventricosum | |
| | Leiobunum verrucosum | |
| | Leiobunum vittatum | |
| | Hadrobunus fusiformis | |
| TARACIDAE | Crosbycus dasycnemus | |
| | Hesperonemastoma kepharti | |
Long-jawed Orb Weavers | TETRAGNATHIDAE | Leucauge venusta | orchard orbweaver |
| | Tetragnatha caudata | a longjawed orbweaver |
| | Tetragnatha elongata | a longjawed orbweaver |
| | Tetragnatha straminea | a longjawed orbweaver |
| | Tetragnatha versicolor | a longjawed orbweaver |
| | Tetragnatha unidentified species | |
Cobweb Spiders | THERIDIIDAE | Asagena americana | Twospotted cobweb spider |
| | Cryptachaea rupicola | a cobweb spider |
| | Episinus amoenus | a cobweb spider |
| | Euryopis funebris | a cobweb spider |
| | Parasteatoda tepidariorum | common house spider |
| | Platnickina alabamensis | |
| | Spintharus flavidus | a cobweb spider |
| | Steatoda borealis | northern cobweb weaver |
| | Steatoda grossa | false black widow |
| | Steatoda triangulosa | checkered cobweb weaver |
| | Theridion flavonotatum | a cobweb spider |
| | Theridion frondeum | a cobweb spider |
| | Yunohamella lyrica | a cobweb spider |
| | Thymoites marxi | a cobweb spider |
Crab Spiders | THOMISIDAE | Misumena vatia | goldenrod crab spider |
| | Misumenoides formosipes | whitebanded crab spider |
| | Synema parvulum | a crab spider |
| | Tmarus angulatus | a crab spider |
| | Xysticus ferox | a ground crab spider |
No Colloquial Name | TRACHELIDAE | Trachelas similis | a cuspuled spider |
| | Trachelas tranquillus | a cuspuled spider |
Armoured harvestmen | TRIAENONYCHIDAE | Fumontana deprehendor | |
Cribellate Orb Weavers | ULOBORIDAE | Octonoba sinensis | |
False Wolf Spiders & Wandering Spiders | ZOROPSIDAE | Liocranoides coylei | |