50 most recent updates | ||||||||||||
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Agelenopsis utahana a grass spider | Agelenopsis utahana has enjoyed a relatively stable taxonomic history since having been originally described as Agelena utahana by Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933. It has remained in Agelenopsis since 1941. | This is a yellow to reddish brown species, not as dark as A. naevia (q.v.). Both the sternal "V" mark and the ventral abdominal band are faintly—if at all—indicated. ... | deep woods, forest edge; forest floor vegetation or tree stumps; funnel/sheet web... | ... | ... | |||||||
Eustala cepina an orbweaver | Smaller but can resemble E. anastera, legs slightly banded, abdomen is triangular almost as wide as long; it may lack dorsal pattern, or have longitudinal line down the middle. The three species repo... | low vegetation near stream, lake shores, fields, pine dunes, ponds, gardens, oak (seems to prefer wetter areas than anastera)... | Sweep netting.... | ... | ||||||||
Emblyna sublata a mesh web spider | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Theridion frondeum a cobweb spider | Thick black stripe on carapace... | forest understory, forest edge, old field; small web under live leaf... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Tibellus oblongus a slender crab spider | ... | sweeping lake shore... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Tmarus rubromaculatus a crab spider | Very similar to T. angulatus in appearance. This species has LI femora >1.5X the length of the carapace, while angulatus's ratio is ca. 1.5X... | SC; near lake shore... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Trachelas mexicanus a cuspuled spider | Superficially looks like T. tranquillus and other members of the genus. Specific determination only by examinations of epigyna and male palps.... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Parasteatoda tepidariorum common house spider | Described by Koch in 1841 as Theridion t., it has also been named Therideum t., and Achearanea t. Its placement in Parasteatoda based on its secondary genital organs (Saaristo, 2006) is considered "controversial" (Eberhard, 2020) by some, and thus may be considered fluid at this writing (Jan 2021). | Colors are extremely variable, from black to white and almost everything in between. The abdominal pattern is notably mottled, sometimes appearing reticulated. Males characteristically have reddish le... | rock outcrops, buildings, windows, corners of rooms.... | ... | ... | |||||||
Barronopsis texana a funnel weaver | Originally described as Agelena texana by Gertsch in 1934, it was moved to Agelenopsis, and most recently to Barronopsis by Lehtinen (1967) who "elevated Barronopsis to genus level and, although he provided no rationale" the genus has been retained (Stocks,2009). | Coloration variable, generally dusky gray or tan background with light black mottling, occasionally with reddish or burgundy coloration on abdomen. Carapace coloration also variable, from prominent lo... | Temperate pine-hardwood forests and pine-hemlock forests. Exploits human-made structures and landscapes, and frequently abundant in lower latitudes on picnic tables, wooden handrails and fences, and ... | ... | ... | |||||||
Euryopis funebris a cobweb spider | The small size, dark abdomen, and iridescent markings are quite distinctive.... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Theridion glaucescens a cobweb spider | ... | forest... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Drassyllus aprilinus a ground spider | Described by Banks as Zelotes aprilinus in 1904, it was transferred to newly erected genus Drassyllus by Chamberlin in 1922. | Specific determination of the genus Drassyllus requires analysis of the genitalia, as colors and markings are inconsistent.... | Under leaves, logs, etc. Generally on the ground.... | ... | ... | |||||||
Xysticus funestus a ground crab spider | ... | Durham... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Thymoites marxi a cobweb spider | Also found in older literature as Paidisca marxi | female abdomen orange-white except for darker orange sclerotized areas and small spots at bases of setae (four dorsal sclerotized spots, sclerotized rings around spinnerets); sometimes with dusky dors... | ... | ... | ... | |||||||
Leiobunum formosum | Approximately 30 species in this genus have been identified as occurring in North America north of Mexico (Cokendolpher and Lee, 1993; Ingianni et al., 2011), with 16 recorded in North Carolina. However, the validity of several of these species is suspect, with several that will probably be determined to be synonyms of other species, e.g., davisi, speciosum, and zimmermani in North Carolina Burns et al., 2012; Shultz, 2018). According to Shultz (2018), moreover, recent phylogenetic studies indicate both that more species are waiting to be described and that the name Leiobunum may eventually be restricted to European species, requiring new generic names for most, if not all, of our species. | Large harvestmen, especially the females; approximately the same size as Hadrobunus maculosus. Males are uniform orange-yellow or red-brown above, with a dark optical tubercle; the central figure is w... | In Tennessee, formosum is commonly encountered in stands of pine and mixed hardwoods (Townsend et al., 2006)... | ... | Arachnids are not protected under state law, although permits are needed to collect them in State Parks and other public and private nature preserves | [GNR] [SU] | We have only a single relatively old (1976) record for this species. While this species does not appear to be habitat limited, we need much more information on its distribution in the state, its habit... | |||||
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Piratula insularis a pirate wolf spider | usual tuning-fork pattern on the carapace. Dorsum with distinct hastate mark and no indication of white patches of scale sas in P. piraticus . Basic color of body and legs amber ; legs not banded . V... | marsh, forest edge, bog, swamp, river and pond edges.... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Scotinella brittoni | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Tetragnatha guatemalensis a longjawed orbweaver | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Argiope trifasciata Banded garden spider, Banded Argiope | Large oval abdomen is crossed by a series of narrow black lines, with silver or yellow bands in between. Some females are so densely hairy that the bands are indistinct. The cephalothorax is silvery... | Open areas, old fields, shrubby areas, gardens, marsh or pond edges etc. with tall grass. Webs tend to be more hidden than those of aurantia.... | Visual observation.... | ... | ||||||||
Bassaniana versicolor a bark crab spider | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Hogna baltimoriana a wolf spider | Underside of legs with black bands, H. lenta have no bands... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Marpissa bina a jumping spider | Dorsum of abdomen may be covered with fine golden iridescent scales, and median longitudinal area between pairs of white spots may be distinctly paler than lateral portions of dorsum.... | Intertidal grasses... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Phylloneta pictipes a cobweb spider | Differs from T. frondeum by having excessively banded legs; in particular, their having bands in the middle of their leg segments as well as a dark band on the lateral edge of the carapace. Male bands... | SC; sweep net... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Peckhamia unidentified species an antmimic jumping spider | Regarding the three species of Peckhamia P. picata – (uplands, brown to dark brown, not black) constricted abdomen, a conspicuous constriction right behind their rear eyes (the posterior laterals).... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Marpissa dentoides a jumping spider | This species is very close to M. lineata in coloration and structure. The male, however, can easily be separated from other members of the lineata group in having the cymbium of the palp flattened... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Marpissa sulcosa a jumping spider | Similar to M. lineata. The dorsum of the male displays a distinctive pattern of paired spots, while in both sexes the venter lacks the median paired bands.... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Marpissa pikei Pike Slender Jumper | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Marpissa formosa a jumping spider | ... | Merchants Millpond SP... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Marpissa grata a jumping spider | Carapace dark to light mahogany brown, slightly darker in ocular area and margined with a thin black band. A pair of pale brown spots behind posterior eyes and a second pair of spots behind the firs... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Menemerus bivitattus gray wall jumper | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Eris flava a jumping spider | Male carapace with marginal band of white scales extending across clypeus and usually back well past the palps. Longi-tudinal white bands extending back from ALE usually narrower than in militaris. Pa... | Grass and fields around swamps, marshes and rivers.... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Mangora gibberosa Lined orbweaver | Placed in the genus Mangora since 1895, with a brief description as Abbotiana by Strand in 1929—which was considered a "superfluous generic replacement" name. | Abdomen white with some brownish gold markings and two thin dark parallel lines on lower portion and some black spots on upper portion. Cephalothorax yellowish-green with a single dark line down the ... | fields, forest edges, roadsides and gardens.... | Visual observation, sweep netting.... | ... | |||||||
Peckhamia picata an antmimic jumping spider | Peckhamia may be easily confused with Synageles, but in Peckhamia, the carapace is not as flat, being more convex in the cephalic area, and has a sharp declevity [sic] behind the row III eyes" (1). Most Peckhamia have three pairs of ventral spines on leg I tibia (most Synageles have two pairs). The eye region occupies half of the carapace in Peckhamia and more than half the carapace in Synageles. There are also differences in the genitalia - males of Peckhamia show a spiraled embolus, while Synageles males show an embolus in the form of a "simple straight rod, curved arc, or short spike". The epigynum in Peckhamia females has sclerotized anterior rims in the form of two arcs (lacking in Synageles) | P. picata legs dark with light tip... | ... | ... | ... | |||||||
Cybaeus giganteus | separating C. silicis from C. giganteus is primarily a value judgement based primarily on size and somewhat on leg banding: carapace length in C. giganteus females ranges from 4.5 to 5.4 mm (a relativ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Erigone dentosa a dwarf sheetweb weaver | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Oxyopes aglossus a lynx spider | ... | roadside grass and herbs... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Mimetus notius a pirate spider | Keys to M. notius due to broad figure on carapace, femora without a distinctly dark apical third, and abdomen more generally covered with dark areas than in M. puritanus ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Acanthoctenus chickeringi a wandering spider | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Oxyopes salticus striped lynx spider | ... | old field, meadow, bog... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Pholcus crypticolens a cellar spider | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Scytodes atlacoya a spitting spider | New species described by Rheims, Brescovit & Durán-Barrón, 2007 | Cephalothorax light tan, with darker tan or light brown "chain" pattern. Abdomen tan to light grey, often "leopard-spotted." Occasionally the spots coalesce into small stripes or bands. Female genital... | Synanthropic; indoors and out. Found behind bark, in pile of firewood, and taken by "beating" ornamental shrubbery (--dbz).... | Frequently seen at night on exterior door frames and window screens.... | ... | |||||||
Clubiona rhododendri a leafcurling sac spider | ... | forest, This species has been taken from rhododendron bushes and from the leaves under these bushes along streams from 2,550 feet up to 5,000 feet elevation.... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Theridion differens a cobweb spider | Epigynum & palpus shown in "Structural photos," q.v.... | forest and forest edge... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Castianeira unidentified species antlike runners | ... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Kaira alba an orbweaver | Female. Carapace yellow-white with a median darker line of black spots and some straggly white setae. Sternum with tiny black spots. Legs yellowish white with tiny dark spots and narrow broken black b... | ... | ... | ... | ||||||||
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Acanthepeira venusta an orbweaver | Similar coloration to A. stellata. Females (6-10 mm) Can be distinguished by smaller size, narrow abdomen & lighter less contrasting pattern. This is the only species that might have ventral white m... | Fields, roadsides, grasses, grassy cypress, swamps, sawgrass and floating island vegetation... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Allocosa furtiva a wolf spider | Carapace dark red brown to black, sometimes iridescent, with few setae. Sternum dark brown. Chelicerae black. Legs dark red brown to black, sparsely covered with setae; femora and tibiae each with... | moist litter on beaches. A few are from the ground in mesic, hardwood areas or in sugarcane fields.... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Allocosa absoluta a wolf spider | Carapace dark red brown to black, usually mottled with dull yellow or orange yellow, sometimes with pale median band and submarginal rows of pale spots (Fig. 38); pale median band sometimes enclos... | Grass and litter in swamps or at the edge of lakes, from pine forests, and from beaches and dunes.... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Allocosa sublata a wolf spider | Carapace dark red brown to black, sometimes iridescent, darker at margins, with few setae. Sternum orange brown. Chelicerae dark red or red brown. Legs dark orange or red brown, sparsely covered w... | soil and litter samples in moist woods... | ... | ... | ||||||||
Allocosa mulaiki a wolf spider | Carapace dark red brown to nearly black, sometimes iridescent, darker at margins, with few setae. Sternum orange brown. Chelicerae dark red or red brown. Legs dark orange or red brown, sparsely co... | Grassy fields, lake margins, bogs, swamps, and a pine forest... | ... | ... |