80 references |
| author | year | title | source | quick_link | comment | 1 | Atkinson, G.F. | 1886 | A description of some new trap-door spiders; their nests and food habitats | Entomologica Americana 2:109-117;128-137 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/42490#page/125/mode/1up | Reprinted in the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. (1887) |
2 | Atkinson, G.F. | 1886 | A new trap-door spider | American Naturalist 20:583-593 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/131388#page/613/mode/1up | Description of Ummidia (=Pachylomerus) carabivorus based on specimens from the vicinity of Chapel Hill |
3 | Bakkegard, K.A. and Davenport, L.J. | 2012 | Nephila clavipes (Araneae: Nephilidae): A model species for monitoring climate change in the Southeastern United States | Southeastern naturalist, pp.551-566 | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262567444_Nephila_clavipes_Araneae_Nephilidae_A_Model_Species_for_Monitoring_Climate_Change_in_the_Southeastern_United_States | Will need to remove space before "publication" in link |
4 | Banks, N. | 1901 | Synopses of North-American invertebrates. XVI. The Phalangida | American Naturalist, 35(416), 669–679. | https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdf/10.1086/277984 | |
5 | Banks, N.A. | 1902 | A new Phalangid from the Black Mountains, N.C. | J. N.Y. Entomological Society 10:142 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/33455683#page/151/mode/1up | |
6 | Banks, N.A. | 1911 | Some Arachnida from North Carolina | Proc. Academy of Nat. Sci. Phil. 63:440--456 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/1695857#page/474/mode/1up | |
7 | Beatty, J.A. | 1986 | Web structure and burrow location of Sphodros niger (Hentz) (Araneae, Atypidae) | Journal of Arachnology 14:130-132 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/52992758#page/138/mode/1up | |
8 | Bond, J.E. and N.I. Platnick | 2007 | A taxonomic review of the trapdoor spider genus Myrmekiaphila (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Cyrtaucheniidae) | American Museum novitates, no. 3596 | http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/handle/2246/5892 | |
9 | Bradley, Richard A. | 2013 | Common Spiders of North America | | | Univ. CA Press, 271pp |
10 | Bradley, Richard A. | 2013 | Common Spiders of North America | | | Univ. CA Press, 271pp |
11 | Briggs, T.S. | 1969 | A new Holarctic family of Laniotorid Phalangida | The Pan Pacific Entomologist 45:35-50 | | |
12 | Brimley, C.S. | 1938 | The Insects of North Carolina | NC Dept. of Agric.; Raleigh, NC. 560 pp. | | |
13 | Burns, M., Hedin, M. and Shultz, J.W. | 2012 | Molecular phylogeny of the leiobunine harvestmen of eastern North America (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae: Leiobuninae) | Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 63(2), pp.291-298 | http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= | |
14 | Bustamante, A. A., Maddison, W. P. & Ruiz, G. R. S. | 2015 | The jumping spider genus Thiodina Simon, 1900 reinterpreted, and revalidation of Colonus F.O.P-Cambridge, 1901 and Nilakantha Peckham & Peckham, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae: Amycoida). Zootaxa 4012(1): 181-190 | | | |
15 | Chamberlin, R. V. & Ivie, W. | 1944 | Spiders of the Georgia region of North America. Bulletin of the University of Utah 35(9): 1-267 | | | |
16 | Cokendolpher, J.C. | 1980 | Replacement name for Mesosoma Weed, 1892, with a revision of the genus (Opiliones, Phalangiidae, Leiobuninae) | Occasional Papers of The Museum, Texas Tech University, 66, 1–19. | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/247329#page/3/mode/1up | |
17 | Cokendolpher, J.C. and Holmberg, R.G. | 2018 | Harvestmen of the Family Phalangiidae (Arachnida, Opiliones) in the Americas | Special Publications of the Museum of Texas Tech University, Number 67 | http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/publications/specpubs/sps/SP67.pdf | |
18 | Cokendolpher, J.C. and Lee, V.F. | 1993 | Catalogue of the Cyphopalpatores and bibliography of the harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) of Greenland, Canada, USA, and Mexico | Vintage Press; Lubbock,TX | | James Cokendolpher Cokendolpher@aol.com is interested in your observations of Opiliones in NC. Send him your observation data and a close-up photograph or legally collected specimen. |
19 | Coyle, F.A. | 1971 | Systematics and natural history of the mygalomorph spider genus Antrodiaetus and related genera (Araneae: Antrodiaetidae) | Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Vol 141 (6): 269-402, 1971 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/4753451#page/295/mode/1up | |
20 | Coyle, F.A. | 1981 | Notes on the behaviour of Ummidia trapdoor spiders (Araneae, Ctenizidae): burrow construction, prey capture, and the functional morphology of the peculiar third tibia | Bull. Br. Arachnol. Soc. 5(4):159-165 | http://britishspiders.org.uk/bulletin/050403.pdf | |
21 | Coyle, F.A. | 1985 | Ballooning behavior of Ummidia spiderlings (Araneae, Ctenizidae) | The Journal of Arachnology 13:137-138 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/52993491#page/145/mode/1up | |
22 | Coyle, F.A. and Shear, W.A. | 1981 | Observations on the natural history of Sphodros abboti and Sphodros rufipes (Araneae, Atypidae), with evidence for a contact sex pheromone | J. Arachnol. 9:317-326. | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/52971207#page/333/mode/1up | |
23 | Crosby, C.R. and Bishop, S.C. | 1924 | Notes on the Opiliones of the southeastern United States with descriptions of new species | Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 40:8-26 | http://www.museunacional.ufrj.br/mndi/Aracnologia/pdfliteratura/Crosby%20and%20Bishop%201924a%20Southeastern.pdf | |
24 | Crosby, C.R. and Bishop, S.C. | 1925 | Two new spiders from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina | Entomological News 36:142-146 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/24738192#page/174/mode/1up | |
25 | Davis, N.W. | 1934 | A revision of the genus Leiobunum (Opiliones) of the United States | American Midland Naturalist 15:662-705 | | |
26 | Eberhard, W. G. | 2020 | Spider Webs.
Behavior, Function. and Evolution | University of Chicago Press, Chicago IL | | Not an easy read, but an extremely thorough reference on webs. |
27 | Edwards, G.B. | 2004 | Revision of the Jumping Spiders of the genus Phidippus | Occasional Papers of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods 11:1-351 | http://freshfromflorida.s3.amazonaws.com/occasional-papers-vol-11.pdf | |
28 | Ewing, H.E. | 1929 | The scorpions of the western part of the United States, with notes on those occurring in northern Mexico | Proceedings of the United States National Museum 23:1-24 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/15693708#page/179/mode/1up | Includes a key for Vaejovis that includes carolinianus |
29 | Fet, V. and G. Lowe | 2000 | Family Buthidae C. L. Koch, 1837 | In: Fet, Victor, W. David Sissom, Graeme Lowe, and Matt E. Braunwalder. Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758-1998). New York Entomological Society, 2000. | https://mds.marshall.edu/bio_sciences_faculty/88/ | |
30 | Fet, Victor, Sissom, W. David, Lowe, Graeme & Braunwalder, Matt E. | 2000. | Cataloge of the Scorpions of the World (1758-1998). | The New York Entomological Society (2000). | https://mds.marshall.edu/bio_sciences_faculty/88/ | |
31 | Gaffin, Douglas D. et al. | 2012 | Scorpion fluorescence and reaction to light | Animal Behaviour 83 (2012) 429-436. | | |
32 | Gertsch, W.J. and Platnick, N.I. | 1980 | A revision of the American spiders of the family Atypidae (Araneae, Mygalomorphae) | American Museum novitates no. 2704 | http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/handle/2246/5390 | |
33 | Godwin, R. L. & Bond, J. E. | 2021 | Taxonomic revision of the New World members of the trapdoor spider genus Ummidia Thorell (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Halonoproctidae) | ZooKeys 1027: 1-65 | https://zookeys.pensoft.net/issue/3229/ | |
34 | Godwin, R. L., Opatova, V., Garrison, N. L., Hamilton, C. A. & Bond, J. E. | 2018 | Phylogeny of a cosmopolitan family of morphologically conserved trapdoor spiders (Mygalomorphae, Ctenizidae) using Anchored Hybrid Enrichment, with a description of the family, Halonoproctidae Pocock 1901. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 126: 303-313 | | | |
35 | Godwin, R.L. & Bond, J.E. | 2021 | Taxonomic revision of the New World members of the trapdoor spider genus Ummidia Thorell (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Halonoproctidae) | ZooKeys 1027: 1-65. | | |
36 | Harvey, M.S. | (2011). | Pseudoscorpions of the World, version 2.0. | Western Australian Museum, Perth. | http://www.museum.wa.gov.au/catalogues/pseudoscorpions | |
37 | Hendrixson, B.E. and Bond, J.E. | 2005 | Two sympatric species of Antrodiaetus from southwestern North Carolina (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Antrodiaetidae) | Zootaxa 872: 1-19 | | |
38 | Hillyard, P.D. & Sankey, J.H.P. | 1989 | Harvestmen: Keys and notes for the identification of the species | In: D. Kermack and R.S.K. Barnes (eds.) 1989. Synopses of the British Fauna (Linnean Society of London), New Series, No. 4. 2nd Edition. E.J. Brill, Leiden | http://www.museunacional.ufrj.br/mndi/Aracnologia/pdfliteratura/Hillyard%20&%20Sankey%201989%20British%20Opiliones.pdf | Contains a wealth of information on the morphology, physiology, ecology, and life histories of the Opiliones. |
39 | Hoffman, R.L. | 1955 | Distributional records for some scarce Phalangids in the southern Appalachians | Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 71(1):17-19. | | |
40 | Huff, R.P. and Coyle, F.A. | 1992 | Systematics of Hypochilus sheari and Hypochilus coylei, two southern Appalachian lampshade spiders (Araneae, Hypochilidae) | Journal of Arachnology 20:40-46 | http://www.americanarachnology.org/JoA_free/JoA_v20_n1/%20JoA_v20_p40.pdf | |
41 | Ingianni, E.A.; McGhee, C.R.; Shultz, J.W. | 2011 | Taxonomy of the Leiobunum calcar species-group (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae: Leiobuninae) | The Journal of Arachnology 39:454–481 | http://www.americanarachnology.org/JoA_free/JoA_v39_n3%20/arac-39-03-454.pdf | |
42 | Kaston, B.J. | 1970 | Comparative biology of American black widow spiders | San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Trans. 16:33-82 | https://archive.org/details/cbarchive_42071_comparativebiologyofamericanbl1905/page/n2 | |
43 | Keith, R. and Hedin, M. | 2012 | Extreme mitochondrial population subdivision in southern Appalachian paleoendemic spiders (Araneae: Hypochilidae: Hypochilus), with implications for species delimitation | The Journal of Arachnology 40:167-181 | | |
44 | Kovarík, František | 2009 | Illustrated catalog of scorpions, Part I (PDF). | | http://kovarex.com/scorpio/pdf/scorpions-Kovarik-2009.pdf | |
45 | Kury, A.B. | 2000 onw | Classification of Opiliones | Museu Nacional/UFRJ website | http://www.museunacional.ufrj.br/mndi/Aracnologia/opiliones.html | Provides the most current classification of the Opiliones |
46 | Kury, A.B. | 2002 onw | Checklist of valid genera of Opiliones of the World | Museu Nacional/UFRJ website | http://www.museunacional.ufrj.br/mndi/Aracnologia/checklaniator.htm | |
47 | Kury, A.B. | 2003 | Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World:(Arachnida, Opiliones) | Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 7:5-337 | | |
48 | Kury, A.B. and Medrano, M. | 2023 | Once upon a time in America: recognition of the species of Libitioides from USA, with comments on other American Cosmetidae (Opiliones, Laniatores) | European Journal of Taxonomy 875:101-141. | | Changes the genus name Vonones to Libitiodes. Identifies the eastern species in this genus as Libitiodes albolineata |
49 | Levi, H. W. | 1973 | Small orb-weavers of the genus Araneus north of Mexico (Araneae: Araneidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 145: 473-552 | | | |
50 | Levi, H.W. | 1980 | The orb-weaver genus Mecynogea, the subfamily Metinae and the genera Pacygnatha, Glenognatha and Azillia of the subfamily Tetragnathinae North of Mexico (Araneae: Araneidae) | Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 149:1-75 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/4776612#page/13/mode/1up | |
51 | Maddison, W. P., Maddison, D. R., Derkarabetian, S. & Hedin, M. | 2020 | Sitticine jumping spiders: phylogeny, classification, and chromosomes (Araneae, Salticidae, Sitticini). ZooKeys 925: 1-54 | | | |
52 | McGhee, C.R. | 1977 | The Politum group (bulbate species) of Leiobunum (Arachnida: Phalangida:
Phalangidae) of North America | J. Arachnol. 3:151-163 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/52939522#page/167/mode/1up | Describes Leiobunum bracchiolum |
53 | Miglio, L. T., Pérez-Miles, F. & Bonaldo, A. B. | 2020 | Taxonomic revision of the spider genus Actinopus Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Actinopodidae). Megataxa 2(1): 1-256 | | | |
54 | Morris, S. A., Hazzi, N. A. & Hormiga, G.
| (2025) | Molecular phylogenetics of nursery web spiders (Araneae: Pisauridae) | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 203(108247): 1-13 | | |
55 | Opatova, V., Hamilton, C. A., Hedin, M., Montes de Oca, L., Král, J. & Bond, J. E. | 2020 | Phylogenetic systematics and evolution of the spider infraorder Mygalomorphae using genomic scale data. Systematic Biology 69(4): 671-707 | | | |
56 | Platnick, N. I. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146: 205-266 | 1974 | The spider family Anyphaenidae in America north of Mexico. | Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146: 205-266 | https://wsc.nmbe.ch/pdfdownload/b9fd282a0ae72d8697f6cea1b6f2ba0fH7EJAdOG2ziyc2z | |
57 | Reiskind, J. | 1969 | The Spider Subfamily Castianeirinae of North and Central America
| Bull. Mus. of Comp. Zool. Vol 138: 163-325 | http://www.archive.org/stream/bulletinofmuseum138harv#page/n185/mode/2up | |
58 | Rose, Sarah | 2022 | Spiders of North America | Princeton University Press
41 William St., Princeton, NJ 08540 | | Very thorough field guide with excellent photos. >600pp. Includes many juveniles. Also available on Kindle. |
59 | Schönhofer, A.L., McCormack, M., Tsurusaki, N., Martens, J. and Hedin, M. | 2013 | Molecular phylogeny of the harvestmen genus Sabacon (Arachnida: Opiliones: Dyspnoi) reveals multiple Eocene–Oligocene intercontinental dispersal events in the Holarctic | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66(1), pp.303-315 | http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= | |
60 | shear | | | | | |
61 | shear | 1975 | | | | |
62 | Shear, W.A. | 1975a | The Opilionid Family Caddidae in North America, with Notes on Species from Other Regions (Opiliones, Palpatores, Caddoidea) | The Journal of Arachnology,2:65-88 | https://www.jstor.org/stable/3705243 | |
63 | Shear, W.A. | 1975b | The Opilionid genera Sabacon and Tomicomerus in America (Opiliones, Trogulidae,
Ischyropsalidae) | J. Arachnol. 3:5-29 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/52939398#page/13/mode/1up | |
64 | Shear, W.A. | 1977 | Fumontana deprehendor, n.gen., n.sp., the first Triaenonychid Opilionid from eastern\r\nNorth America (Opiliones: Laniatores: Triaenonychidae) | J . Arachnol. 3:177-183 | | |
65 | Shear, W.A. | 1978 | A new record for the rare opilionid Fumontana deprehendor (Opiliones, Triaenonychidae) | The Journal of Arachnology 6:79 | http://www.museunacional.ufrj.br/mndi/Aracnologia/pdfliteratura/Shear%201978a%20Fumontana%20record%20by%20jstor.pdf | |
66 | Shear, W.A. | 1986 | A cladistic analysis of the opilionid superfamily Ischyropsalidoidea, with descriptions of the new family Ceratolasmatidae, the new genus Acuclavella, and four new species | American Museum Novitates 2844:1-29 | http://www.digitallibrary.amnh.org/bitstream/handle/2246/3579/v2/dspace/ingest/pdfSource/nov/N2844.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y | Contains a redescrption of Crosbycus |
67 | Shear, W.A. | 2010 | New harvestman from a cave in West Virginia, with comments on other reported cave-dwelling Hesperonemastoma species (Opiliones, Ischyropsalidoidea, Sabaconidae) | Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 72:105-110 | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/William_Shear/publication/269647365_Hesperonemastoma_Smilax_N_SP_A_Remarkable_New_Harvestman_from_a_Cave_in_West_Virginia_with_Comments_on_other_Reported_Cave-Dwelling_Hesperonemastoma_Species_Opiliones_Ischyropsalidoidea_Sabaconidae/links/54c792980cf238bb7d0ac93e/Hesperonemastoma-Smilax-N-SP-A-Remarkable-New-Harvestman-from-a-Cave-in-West-Virginia-with-Comments-on-other-Reported-Cave-Dwelling-Hesperonemastoma-Species-Opiliones-Ischyropsalidoidea-Sabaconid.pdf | |
68 | Shelley, R.M. | 1994 | Introductions of the scorpions Centruroides vittatus (Say) and C. hentzi (Banks) into North Carolina, with records of the indigenous scorpion, Vaejovis carolinianus (Beauvois)(Scorpionida: Buthidae, Vaejovidae) | Brimleyana 21:45-55 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/42326581#page/47/mode/1up | |
69 | Shultz, J.W. | 2010 | A new species of Hadrobunus (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae: Leiobuninae)from the southeastern United States | The Journal of Arachnology, 38(3):572-580 | https://www.jstor.org/stable/20798591?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents | |
70 | Shultz, J.W. | 2012 | The identity of Hadrobunus grandis: reassignment of Leiobunum aurugineum to H. grandis and H. nonsacculatus new species (Opiliones: Sclerosomatidae: Leiobuninae) | The Journal of Arachnology, 40(3):296-304. | https://jwshultz.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/2/2/46222147/arac-40-3-296.pdf | |
71 | Shultz, J.W. | 2013 | Significant range extensions for two caddid harvestmen in eastern North America, Caddo pepperella and Acropsopilio boopis (Opiliones: Eupnoi: Caddidae) | Zootaxa 3637 (1):094–096 | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeffrey_Shultz2/publication/274991868_Significant_range_extensions_for_two_caddid_harvestmen_in_eastern_North_America_Caddo_pepperella_and_Acropsopilio_boopis_Opiliones_Eupnoi_Caddidae/links/5877a50108aebf17d3bb9922/Significant-range-extensions-for-two-caddid-harvestmen-in-eastern-North-America-Caddo-pepperella-and-Acropsopilio-boopis-Opiliones-Eupnoi-Caddidae.pdf | |
72 | Shultz, J.W. | 2018 | A Guide to the Identification of the Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) of Maryland | Northeastern Naturalist 25(1):21-49 | https://doi.org/10.1656/045.025.0102 | |
73 | Sissom, W.S. | 2000 | Family Vaejovidae Thorell, 1876 | In: Fet, Victor, W. David Sissom, Graeme Lowe, and Matt E. Braunwalder. Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758-1998). New York Entomological Society, 2000. | https://mds.marshall.edu/bio_sciences_faculty/88/ | |
74 | Thomas, S.M. and Hedin, M. | 2006 | Natural history and distribution of the enigmatic southern Appalachian opilionid, Fumontana deprehendor Shear (Laniatores: Triaenonychidae), with an assessment of morphological variation | Zootaxa 1242: 21-36 | http://www.museunacional.ufrj.br/mndi/Aracnologia/pdfliteratura/Thomas&Hedin.Fumont.Zoo2006.pdf | |
75 | Thomas, S.M. and Hedin, M. | 2008 | Multigenic phylogeographic divergence in the paleoendemic southern Appalachian opilionid Fumontana deprehendor Shear (Opiliones, Laniatores, Triaenonychidae) | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 46(2), pp.645-658 | http://www.museunacional.ufrj.br/mndi/Aracnologia/pdfliteratura/Thomas%26Hedin.Fumontana.MPE2008.pdf | |
76 | Townsend, V.R., Mulholland, K.A., Bradford, J.O., Proud, D.N. and Parent, K.M. | 2006 | Seasonal variation in parasitism by Leptus mites (Acari, Erythraeidae) upon the harvestman, Leiobunum formosum (Opiliones, Sclerosomatidae) | The Journal of Arachnology, 34(2):492-495 | | |
77 | Wallace, H.K. and Exline, H. | 1977 | Spiders of the Genus Pirata in North America, Central America and the West Indies (Araneae: Lycosidae) | American Arachnological Society, 1977 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/53035950#page/9/mode/1up | |
78 | Weed, C.M. | 1893 | The Cosmetidæ of the United States | Transactions of the American Entomological Society 20:293-296 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/7508108#page/317/mode/1up | |
79 | Weed, C.M. | 1893b | A Descriptive Catalogue Of The Harvest-spiders (phalangiidae) Of Ohio | Proceedings of the United States National Museum 16:543--563 | https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/15780883#page/671/mode/1up | |
80 | Wheeler, W. C., Coddington, J. A., Crowley, L. M., Dimitrov, D., Goloboff, P. A., Griswold, C. E., Hormiga, G., Prendini, L., Ramírez, M. J., Sierwald, P., Almeida-Silva, L. M., Álvarez-Padilla, F., Arnedo, M. A., Benavides, L. R., Benjamin, S. P., Bond, J. E., Grismado, C. J., Hasan, E., Hedin, M., Izquierdo, M. A., Labarque, F. M., Ledford, J., Lopardo, L., Maddison, W. P., Miller, J. A., Piacentini, L. N., Platnick, N. I., Polotow, D., Silva-Dávila, D., Scharff, N., Sz?ts, T., Ubick, D., Vink, C., Wood, H. M. & Zhang, J. X. | 2017 | The spider tree of life: phylogeny of Araneae based on target-gene analyses from an extensive taxon sampling. | Cladistics 33(6): 576-616. | | To download, create a free account with World Spider Catalog (wsc), which requires only email address, name, and country. https://wsc.nmbe.ch/ |