157 species for Carteret County |
Colloquial | family | sciName | comName |
Funnel Weavers | AGELENIDAE | Agelenopsis emertoni | a grass spider |
| | Agelenopsis unidentified species | |
Ghost Spiders | ANYPHAENIDAE | Anyphaena pectorosa | a ghost spider |
| | Arachosia cubana | a ghost spider |
| | Hibana gracilis | garden ghost spider |
| | Hibana velox | a ghost spider |
| | Lupettiana mordax | a ghost spider |
Orb Weavers | ARANEIDAE | Acanthepeira stellata | Star-bellied orb weaver |
| | Araneus bicentenarius | lichenmarked orbweaver |
| | Araneus juniperi | an orbweaver |
| | Araneus miniatus | Black-spotted Orbweaver |
| | Argiope aurantia | yellow garden spider |
| | Argiope trifasciata | Banded garden spider, Banded Argiope |
| | Eustala anastera | Humpbacked orbweaver |
| | Eustala cepina | an orbweaver |
| | Gasteracantha cancriformis | Spinybacked orbweaver |
| | Larinia directa | an orbweaver |
| | Mangora spiculata | an orbweaver |
| | Micrathena sagittata | Arrowshaped Micrathena |
| | Neoscona arabesca | Arabesque orbweaver |
| | Neoscona crucifera | Spotted Orbweaver |
| | Neoscona domiciliorum | a spotted orbweaver |
| | Singa keyserlingi | an orbweaver |
Purseweb Spiders | ATYPIDAE | Sphodros atlanticus | a purseweb spider |
| | Sphodros rufipes | redlegged purseweb spider |
No Colloquial Name | BUTHIDAE | Centruroides hentzi | Hentz Striped Scorpion |
| CHEIRACANTHIIDAE | Strotarchus piscatorius | a longlegged sac spider |
| CHERNETIDAE | Parachernes litoralis | |
| | Parachernes pulchellus | |
Sac Spiders | CLUBIONIDAE | Elaver excepta | a sac spider |
| | Clubiona littoralis | a leafcurling sac spider |
| | Clubiona nicholsi | a leafcurling sac spider |
| | Clubiona plumbi | a leafcurling sac spider |
Antmimics and Ground Sac Spiders | CORINNIDAE | Castianeira amoena | orange antmimic |
| | Castianeira crucigera | an antlike runner |
| | Castianeira vulnerea | an antlike runner |
Ogrefaced spider | DEINOPIDAE | Deinopis spinosa | Ogrefaced Spider |
No Colloquial Name | DESIDAE | Metaltella simoni | Simon's metal spider |
Mesh Web Weavers | DICTYNIDAE | Lathys albida | |
| | Dictyna gloria | a mesh web spider |
| | Emblyna altimara | a mesh web spider |
No Colloquial Name | DOLOMEDIDAE | Dolomedes albineus | whitebanded fishing spider |
| | Dolomedes triton | Six-spotted fishing spider |
| FILISTATIDAE | Kukulcania hibernalis | Southern house spider |
| GARYPINIDAE | Serianus carolinensis | |
Ground Spiders | GNAPHOSIDAE | Cesonia bilineata | a stealthy ground spider |
| | Drassyllus adocetus | a ground spider |
| | Drassyllus aprilinus | a ground spider |
| | Drassyllus creolus | a ground spider |
| | Gnaphosa sericata | a ground spider |
| | Herpyllus ecclesiasticus | Parson spider |
| | Micaria browni | an antlike ground spider |
| | Sergiolus capulatus | Variegated Ground Spider |
| | Sergiolus unimaculatus | a ground spider |
No Colloquial Name | HALONOPROCTIDAE | Ummidia audouini | a cork-lid trapdoor spider |
| | Ummidia rongodwini | a cork-lid trapdoor spider |
Sheetweb and Dwarf Spiders | LINYPHIIDAE | Ceratinopsis swanea | a dwarf spider |
| | Grammonota texana | a dwarf spider |
| | Grammonota trivittata | a dwarf spider |
| | Idionella anomala | a dwarf spider |
| | Idionella sclerata | a dwarf spider |
| | Mermessus albulus | a dwarf spider |
| | Mermessus fradeorum | a dwarf spider |
| | Tutaibo anglicanus | a dwarf spider |
| | Agyneta serrata | a sheetweb weaver |
| | Anibontes mimus | a sheetweb weaver |
| | Tennesseellum formica | Antlike sheetweaver |
Wolf Spiders | LYCOSIDAE | Arctosa littoralis | Shoreline wolf spider |
| | Geolycosa unidentified species | a burrowing wolf spider |
| | Hogna lenta | Field wolf spider |
| | Pardosa milvina | a thinlegged wolf spider spider |
| | Piratula insularis | a pirate wolf spider |
| | Pirata sedentarius | a pirate wolf spider |
| | Pirata suwaneus | a pirate wolf spider |
| | Rabidosa carrana | a wolf spider |
| | Schizocosa humilis | a wolf spider |
| | Tigrosa annexa | a wolf spider |
| | Trochosa abdita | a wolf spider |
| | Alopecosa unidentified species | |
| | Geolycosa pikei | a burrowing wolf spider |
| | Varacosa avara | a wolf spider |
| | Pirata apalacheus | a pirate wolf spider |
| | Schizocosa salsa | a wolf spider |
| | Varacosa shenandoa | a wolf spider |
Pirate spiders | MIMETIDAE | Mimetus puritanus | a pirate spider |
No Colloquial Name | NEOBISIIDAE | Microbisium parvulum | |
| NEPHILIDAE | Trichonephila clavipes | Golden Silk orbweaver |
| OONOPIDAE | Scaphioides minuta | |
Lynx Spiders | OXYOPIDAE | Oxyopes apollo | a lynx spider |
| | Peucetia viridans | green lynx spider |
Running Crab Spiders | PHILODROMIDAE | Philodromus praelustris | Canadian crab spider |
| | Philodromus rufus | a running crab spider |
| | Tibellus oblongus | a slender crab spider |
| | Tibellus unidentified species | a slender crab spider |
| | Philodromus minutus | a running crab spider |
| | Philodromus floridensis | a running crab spider |
| | Philodromus undarum | a running crab spider |
No Colloquial Name | PHOLCIDAE | Pholcus phalangioides | Longbodied cellar spider |
| | Psilochorus pullulus | |
| | Spermophora senoculata | Short-bodied cellar spider |
| PHRUROLITHIDAE | Phrurotimpus borealis | a phrurolithid |
| | Phrurotimpus illudens | a phrurolithid |
| | Scotinella brittoni | |
| | Phrurolithus emertoni | a phrurolithid |
| | Scotinella pintura | |
Nursery Web Spiders | PISAURIDAE | Pisaurina mira | nursery web spider |
| | Pisaurina undulata | a nursery web spider |
Jumping Spiders | SALTICIDAE | Anasaitis canosus | Twinflagged jumper |
| | Hentzia palmarum | Longjawed jumping spider |
| | Lyssomanes viridis | Magnolia green jumper |
| | Maevia inclemens | Dimorphic jumping spider |
| | Marpissa lineata | a jumping spider |
| | Marpissa pikei | Pike Slender Jumper |
| | Marpissa formosa | a jumping spider |
| | Metacyrba taeniola | a jumping spider |
| | Phidippus audax | Bold jumper, Daring jumping spider |
| | Phidippus clarus | Red-backed jumping spider |
| | Phidippus otiosus | a jumping spider |
| | Phidippus putnami | a jumping spider |
| | Phidippus whitmani | Whitman's jumping spider |
| | Platycryptus undatus | a jumping spider |
| | Salticus scenicus | Zebra jumper |
| | Sassacus cyaneus | a jumping spider |
| | Colonus sylvanus | a jumping spider |
| | Hakka himeshimensis | a jumping spider |
| | Paramaevia hobbsae | a jumping spider |
| | Neonella vinnula | a jumping spider |
| | Marpissa bina | a jumping spider |
| | Marpissa sulcosa | a jumping spider |
No Colloquial Name | SCYTODIDAE | Scytodes atlacoya | a spitting spider |
Long-jawed Orb Weavers | TETRAGNATHIDAE | Tetragnatha caudata | a longjawed orbweaver |
| | Leucauge argyrobapta | a longjawed orbweaver |
Cobweb Spiders | THERIDIIDAE | Anelosimus studiosus | a cobweb spider |
| | Argyrodes elevatus | a dewdrop spider |
| | Latrodectus geometricus | Brown widow |
| | Latrodectus mactans | Southern black widow |
| | Parasteatoda tepidariorum | common house spider |
| | Steatoda grossa | false black widow |
| | Theridion dividuum | a cobweb spider |
| | Theridion murarium | a cobweb spider |
| | Theridula opulenta | a cobweb spider |
| | Wamba crispulus | |
| | Rhomphaea projiciens | a cobweb spider |
| | Thymoites expulsus | a cobweb spider |
| | Thymoites marxi | a cobweb spider |
| | Thymoites pallidus | a cobweb spider |
| | Thymoites unimaculatus | a cobweb spider |
| | Theridion australe | a cobweb spider |
| | Coleosoma normale | ant mimic spider |
| | Phycosoma lineatipes | a cobweb spider |
| | Dipoena appalachia | a cobweb spider |
Crab Spiders | THOMISIDAE | Bassaniana versicolor | a bark crab spider |
| | Mecaphesa celer | Swift crab spider |
| | Misumenoides formosipes | whitebanded crab spider |
| | Synema parvulum | a crab spider |
| | Xysticus elegans | Elegant crab spider |
| | Xysticus funestus | a ground crab spider |