Arachnids of North Carolina
Scientific Name: Common Name: Family (Alpha):

40 species for Hyde County

Funnel WeaversAGELENIDAEAgelenopsis pennsylvanicaa grass spider
Ghost SpidersANYPHAENIDAEHibana gracilisgarden ghost spider
Orb WeaversARANEIDAEAraneus thaddeusLattice orbweaver
Argiope aurantiayellow garden spider
Eustala emertonian orbweaver
Larinia directaan orbweaver
Mangora placidatuftlegged orbweaver
Mecynogea lemniscataBasilica orbweaver
Micrathena gracilisspined Micrathena
Neoscona arabescaArabesque orbweaver
No Colloquial NameCHEIRACANTHIIDAEStrotarchus piscatoriusa longlegged sac spider
Sac SpidersCLUBIONIDAEElaver exceptaa sac spider
No Colloquial NameFILISTATIDAEKukulcania hibernalisSouthern house spider
Sheetweb and Dwarf SpidersLINYPHIIDAECeraticelus fissicepsa dwarf spider
Wolf SpidersLYCOSIDAEPardosa milvinaa thinlegged wolf spider spider
Rabidosa carranaa wolf spider
Rabidosa punctulataDotted wolf spider
Rabidosa rabidaa wolf spider
Tigrosa annexaa wolf spider
Hogna unidentified species
Varacosa avaraa wolf spider
Schizocosa floridanaa wolf spider
No Colloquial NameNEPHILIDAETrichonephila clavipesGolden Silk orbweaver
Running Crab SpidersPHILODROMIDAEPhilodromus laticepsa running crab spider
No Colloquial NamePHOLCIDAEPholcus phalangioidesLongbodied cellar spider
Nursery Web SpidersPISAURIDAEDolomedes albineuswhitebanded fishing spider
Dolomedes tritonSix-spotted fishing spider
Pisaurina miranursery web spider
Jumping SpidersSALTICIDAENaphrys pulexa jumping spider
Hentzia palmarumLongjawed jumping spider
Platycryptus undatusa jumping spider
Colonus sylvanusa jumping spider
Long-jawed Orb WeaversTETRAGNATHIDAETetragnatha elongataa longjawed orbweaver
Tetragnatha pallescensa longjawed orbweaver
Cobweb SpidersTHERIDIIDAEArgyrodes elevatusa dewdrop spider
Theridion differensa cobweb spider
Crab SpidersTHOMISIDAEMecaphesa celerSwift crab spider
Xysticus feroxa ground crab spider
Cribellate Orb WeaversULOBORIDAEUloborus glomosusfeatherlegged orbweaver
Uloborus unidentified species