Arachnids of North Carolina
Scientific Name: Common Name: Family (Alpha):

23 species for Martin County

Ghost SpidersANYPHAENIDAEAnyphaena fraternaa ghost spider
Anyphaena pectorosaa ghost spider
Hibana gracilisgarden ghost spider
Orb WeaversARANEIDAEEustala cepinaan orbweaver
Larinia directaan orbweaver
Mangora placidatuftlegged orbweaver
Mesh Web WeaversDICTYNIDAEArgenna obesaa mesh web spider
Ground SpidersGNAPHOSIDAEDrassyllus eremitusa ground spider
Sheetweb and Dwarf SpidersLINYPHIIDAEMermessus tridentatusa dwarf spider
Agyneta parvaa sheetweb weaver
No Colloquial NameNEPHILIDAETrichonephila clavipesGolden Silk orbweaver
Lynx SpidersOXYOPIDAEOxyopes scalarisWestern lynx spider
Peucetia viridansgreen lynx spider
Running Crab SpidersPHILODROMIDAEPhilodromus rufusa running crab spider
Philodromus floridensisa running crab spider
No Colloquial NamePHRUROLITHIDAEPhrurotimpus borealisa phrurolithid
Jumping SpidersSALTICIDAEHentzia palmarumLongjawed jumping spider
Lyssomanes viridisMagnolia green jumper
Pelegrina protervaa jumping spider
Phidippus clarusRed-backed jumping spider
Colonus sylvanusa jumping spider
Long-jawed Orb WeaversTETRAGNATHIDAELeucauge venustaorchard orbweaver
Crab SpidersTHOMISIDAETmarus angulatusa crab spider