Arachnids of North Carolina
Scientific Name: Common Name: Family (Alpha):

107 species for New Hanover County

Funnel WeaversAGELENIDAEBarronopsis texanaa funnel weaver
Ghost SpidersANYPHAENIDAEAnyphaena pectorosaa ghost spider
Hibana gracilisgarden ghost spider
Hibana veloxa ghost spider
Orb WeaversARANEIDAEAraneus alboventrisan orbweaver
Araneus cingulatusan orbweaver
Araneus juniperian orbweaver
Araneus marmoreusMarbled orbweaver
Araneus miniatusBlack-spotted Orbweaver
Araneus pegniaButterfly orbweaver
Argiope aurantiayellow garden spider
Argiope trifasciataBanded garden spider, Banded Argiope
Cyclosa conicaa trashline spider
Eustala anasteraHumpbacked orbweaver
Eustala cepinaan orbweaver
Gasteracantha cancriformisSpinybacked orbweaver
Larinia directaan orbweaver
Larinioides sclopetariusan orbweaver
Mangora gibberosaLined orbweaver
Mangora placidatuftlegged orbweaver
Mastophora bisaccata
Micrathena sagittataArrowshaped Micrathena
Neoscona arabescaArabesque orbweaver
Neoscona cruciferaa spotted orbweaver
Neoscona domicilioruma spotted orbweaver
Eriophora ravillaTropical Orbweaver
Purseweb SpidersATYPIDAESphodros rufipesredlegged purseweb spider
No Colloquial NameCHEIRACANTHIIDAECheiracanthium inclusumagrarian sac spider
Sac SpidersCLUBIONIDAEClubiona obesaa leafcurling sac spider
Elaver exceptaa sac spider
Antmimics and Ground Sac SpidersCORINNIDAEFalconina gracilisa ground sac spider
Armoured harvestmenCOSMETIDAELibitioides ornataOrnate Armored Harvestman
Ogrefaced spiderDEINOPIDAEDeinopis spinosaOgrefaced Spider
No Colloquial NameFILISTATIDAEKukulcania hibernalisSouthern house spider
Ground SpidersGNAPHOSIDAEGnaphosa sericataa ground spider
Micaria unidentified speciesan antlike ground spider
No Colloquial NameHALONOPROCTIDAEUmmidia audouinia cork-lid trapdoor spider
Ummidia rongodwinia cork-lid trapdoor spider
Sheetweb and Dwarf SpidersLINYPHIIDAEMermessus bryantaea dwarf spider
Frontinella pyramitelabowl and doily weaver
Neriene radiataFilmy dome spider
Mermessus unidentified speciesa dwarf spider
Wolf SpidersLYCOSIDAEArctosa littoralisShoreline wolf spider
Hogna antelucanaa wolf spider
Hogna lentaField wolf spider
Pardosa milvinaa thinlegged wolf spider spider
Rabidosa carranaa wolf spider
Schizocosa avidaa wolf spider
Schizocosa saltatrixa wolf spider
Tigrosa georgicolaa wolf spider
Trochosa abditaa wolf spider
Geolycosa pikeia burrowing wolf spider
Varacosa avaraa wolf spider
Varacosa shenandoaa wolf spider
Pirate spidersMIMETIDAEMimetus notiusa pirate spider
No Colloquial NameNEPHILIDAETrichonephila clavipesGolden Silk orbweaver
Lynx SpidersOXYOPIDAEPeucetia viridansgreen lynx spider
Running Crab SpidersPHILODROMIDAEPhilodromus marxiMetallic crab spider
Philodromus rufusa running crab spider
Tibellus oblongusa slender crab spider
Philodromus floridensisa running crab spider
No Colloquial NamePHOLCIDAEPholcus phalangioidesLongbodied cellar spider
PHRUROLITHIDAEPhrurolithus unidentified species
Scotinella divinula
Nursery Web SpidersPISAURIDAEDolomedes albineuswhitebanded fishing spider
Dolomedes tenebrosusDark fishing spider
Dolomedes tritonSix-spotted fishing spider
Pisaurina dubiaa nursery web spider
Pisaurina miranursery web spider
Pisaurina undulataa nursery web spider
Pisaurina brevipesa nursery web spider
Jumping SpidersSALTICIDAEAnasaitis canosaTwinflagged jumper
Hentzia mitrataa jumping spider
Hentzia palmarumLongjawed jumping spider
Lyssomanes viridisMagnolia green jumper
Phidippus audaxBold jumper, Daring jumping spider
Phidippus clarusRed-backed jumping spider
Platycryptus undatusa jumping spider
Sassacus cyaneusa jumping spider
Colonus sylvanusa jumping spider
Zygoballus rufipeshammerjawed jumper
Metacyrba floridanaa jumping spider
No Colloquial NameSCLEROSOMATIDAELeiobunum verrucosum
SCYTODIDAEScytodes globulaNo Am. Arach. Soc. recognized common name.
Long-jawed Orb WeaversTETRAGNATHIDAETetragnatha caudataa longjawed orbweaver
Tetragnatha elongataa longjawed orbweaver
Tetragnatha laboriosasilver longjawed orbweaver
Leucauge argyrobaptaa longjawed orbweaver
Cobweb SpidersTHERIDIIDAEArgyrodes elevatusa dewdrop spider
Latrodectus geometricusBrown widow
Latrodectus mactansSouthern black widow
Parasteatoda tepidariorumcommon house spider
Steatoda triangulosacheckered cobweb weaver
Theridion differensa cobweb spider
Theridion flavonotatuma cobweb spider
Theridion murariuma cobweb spider
Tidarren sisyphoidesa cobweb spider
Yunohamella lyricaa cobweb spider
Argyrodes unidentified speciesa dewdrop spider
Rhomphaea projiciensa cobweb spider
Thymoites unimaculatusa cobweb spider
Crab SpidersTHOMISIDAEMecaphesa asperataNorthern crab spider
Synema parvuluma crab spider
Xysticus funestusa ground crab spider
Bassaniana unidentified speciesa bark crab spider
Modysticus floridanusa crab spider
Cribellate Orb WeaversULOBORIDAEUloborus glomosusfeatherlegged orbweaver