Arachnids of North Carolina
    1 records for Dicymbium elongatum a dwarf spider
db idchecklist numbernrid idregioncountycounty splitsitesub sitedatecollectornumbermethodhabitatlatlonreferencevetting levelimmatureadultphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkdate cvetted byobsTypeemail
9912217.000High MountainsSwainATBI Plot, Clingmans DomeATBI Plot, Clingmans Dome; Clingmans Dome; 1-hectare plot in former Fraser fir forest, south of observation tower; ; 20170320 location coordinates derived from what is assumed to be UTM NAD 27 Coordinate Pairs.2000-11-29135.56041-83.495275GSMNP export July 20244TRUE1 adult male; 6427 Feet2024-07-16 15:26:20Collection