Arachnids of North Carolina
    7 records for Agyneta angulata a sheetweb weaver
db idchecklist numbernrid idregioncountycounty splitsitesub sitedatecollectornumbermethodhabitatlatlonreferencevetting levelimmatureadultphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkdate cvetted byobsTypeemail
6177274.000PiedmontAlexanderRocky Face Mountain2022-04-08Carol Tingley3DSDDRHF35.965882-81.1163942FALSETRUEFALSEFALSEFALSE2022-04-19 10:37:07Zepp001_Photo
6103274.000PiedmontDurhamNew Hope Creek BottomlandsNew Hope Game Land, west of New Hope Creek2021-12-31Carol Tingley1DSDWTHW2FALSETRUEFALSEFALSEFALSE2022-03-24 14:19:37Bockhahn101_Photo
6431274.000High MountainsMaconHighlands Biological StationCoker Rhododendron Trail2022-06-20Carol Tingley1DSDMEHS35.05575-83.184922FALSETRUEFALSEFALSEFALSEOld growth ravine leaf litter2022-07-15 09:27:27Zepp001_Photo
9142274.000Low MountainsMaconNantahala National Forest2024-05-21Brian Bockhahn1DSDHEHF,MEHS2TRUE2024-07-09 10:40:22Bockhahn101_Photo
9784274.000Low MountainsSwainATBI Plot, Goshen ProngATBI Plot, Goshen Prong; Goshen Prong; 1-hectare plot in rich acid-cove (in ancient oxbow area?); 20170320 location coordinates derived from what is assumed to be UTM NAD 83 Coordinate Pairs as no Datum was specified in source data.2001-02-14135.60882-83.542717GSMNP export July 20244TRUE1 adult male; 3243 Feet2024-07-16 15:26:20Collection
9785274.000Low MountainsSwainATBI Plot, Goshen ProngATBI Plot, Goshen Prong; Goshen Prong; 1-hectare plot in rich acid-cove (in ancient oxbow area?); 20170320 location coordinates derived from what is assumed to be UTM NAD 83 Coordinate Pairs as no Datum was specified in source data.2001-03-13135.60882-83.542717GSMNP export July 20244TRUE1 adult male; 3243 Feet2024-07-16 15:26:20Collection
5065274.00316495PiedmontWakeWB Umstead State ParkCrabtree Slopes2021-04-20Carol Tingley1DSDDRHF35.840192-78.761167Dupérré, N. (2013). Taxonomic revision of the spider genera Agyneta and Tennesseelum (Araneae, Linyphiidae) of North America north of Mexico with a study of the embolic division within Micronetinae sensu Saaristo & Tanasevitch 1996. Zootaxa 3674: 1-189.2FALSETRUEFALSEFALSEFALSEleaf litterWIUM2021-04-23 11:08:40Zepp001_Photo