Arachnids of North Carolina
    1 records for Araneus unidentified species
db idchecklist numbernrid idregioncountycounty splitsitesub sitedatecollectornumbermethodhabitatlatlonreferencevetting levelimmatureadultphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkdate cvetted byobsTypeemail
4610572.000PiedmontDurhamHorton Grove Nature Preserve on Jock Rd.Behind former slave quarters on mowed path along a weedy, open area bordered by mixed woods through 2020-10-26Owen McConnell1DSDOLFI36.125693-78.8411332FALSETRUEVery small spider, only about 5 mm large, on a single strand of silk stretched 3-feet above the ground between seedling red maples 2020-10-29 14:08:10Zepp001_Photo