Arachnids of North Carolina
    2 records for Araneus partitus an orbweaver
db idchecklist numbernrid idregioncountycounty splitsitesub sitedatecollectornumbermethodhabitatlatlonreferencevetting levelimmatureadultphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkdate cvetted byobsTypeemail
846959.000Coastal PlainBrunswickJuniper Creek Gamelands, Camp Branch Road, first gated road southwest of Egypt RoadSweep net, recently burned pine forest, but with vigorous regrowth. 2024-04-28Mark Basinger3DSDPPLN2FALSETRUEOpisthosoma was bright red with yellow and also with black spots, two humps too. Prosoma was olive green. 2024-05-02 11:44:08Zepp001_Photo
847059.000Coastal PlainColumbusJuniper Creek Gamelands, Tram Road north off of Camp Branch Road. Sweep net, young longleaf pine forest on west side of gravel road. 2024-04-28Mark Basinger2DSDLLSF2FALSETRUE2024-05-02 11:44:08Zepp001_Photo