Arachnids of North Carolina
    7 records for Araneus saevus an orbweaver
db idchecklist numbernrid idregioncountycounty splitsitesub sitedatecollectornumbermethodhabitatlatlonreferencevetting levelimmatureadultphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkdate cvetted byobsTypeemail
767862.00339599Low MountainsAshe2023-09-07Weaver12NERINERI2023-09-09 10:09:56Zepp001_Photo
460862.000Low MountainsBuncombeJims Branch Headwaterswithin 100 feet of these coordinates2020-10-22tom ward1DSNFSPR35.5661433115-82.44373477632FALSETRUEObserved at approximately 3500 feet elevation at headwaters of a creek, probably best described as rich cove forest surrounded by oak/hickory forest, though kind of a unique area & botanically different from most of the rich cove forest in this conservation easement.2020-10-26 08:34:11Zepp001_Photo
460762.000Low MountainsBuncombejims branch road2020-10-25tom ward1DSNSWRN35.575704-82.4431782FALSETRUEnot sure about species, but was identified as fierce orbweaver on iNaturalist. i am not an expert & am not sure as i do not see the distinct line mentioned in your description. it came to moth light sheet on rainy night. surrounding habitat is dense rich cove forest in conservation easement. i have another observation from back in the woods to add if you all verify this one.2020-10-25 14:17:12Zepp001_Photo
692462.00332368Low MountainsMcDowellMountains to Sea Trail2022-09-16Brian Bockhahn1DSDBMEHS,OROB-B2TRUEMOTS2023-03-05 08:32:22Bockhahn101_Photo
669862.00330219Low MountainsTransylvania2022-10-27K. Bischof12GORG - Obs. at the Grassy Ridge gate counter. Female. @ -82.951964, 35.096991GORG2022-11-12 10:02:25Zepp001_Photo
671962.00330347Low MountainsTransylvania2022-10-30K. Bischof12GORG - Obs. White Pine bathhouse. ID confirmation by D. Zepp.GORG2022-11-27 13:04:00Zepp001_Photo
617962.000High MountainsWatauga176 Woods Rd. (Boone P.O.)2022-04-13Donald Zepp1DSDHEHF36.256-81.718dbz202204130013TRUEFALSETRUETRUEHiding in exterior mirror of car. Elev. ca. 1300m (nominally 4267 ft).2022-04-19