Arachnids of North Carolina
    11 records for Leiobunum nigropalpi
db idchecklist numbernrid idregioncountycounty splitsitesub sitedatecollectornumbermethodhabitatlatlonreferencevetting levelimmatureadultphotographspecimenvouchercommentsparkdate cvetted byobsTypeemail
931638.000Low MountainsAshe8 miles SSE of Jefferson1183, 0.6 mi [1 km] N 10051972-00-21R.M. Shelley3MSUNKNIngianni et al (2011)32 malles, 1 female; NC State Museum specimens2019-01-22 10:16:24shLiterature
1215638.000Low MountainsAsheWarrensvilleWagon Road Community2019-06-30Steve Hall and Bo Sullivan1DSNSWRN,MEHS2FALSETRUEFALSEFALSEFALSEMale seen at moth bait2019-07-03 20:22:31sh01_Photo
1232638.000Low MountainsAsheWarrensvilleWagon Road Community2019-07-06J.B. Sullivan28DSNMEHS3TRUE17 adult males and 11 females collected at beer-banana bait painted on trees2019-07-11 00:23:31shCollection
645638.000PiedmontDurhamDurham, Duke Forest1953-06-20Herbert W. Levi1DSDiDIGBIO, accessed 2019-01-054FALSETRUEFALSETRUETRUEsex: female2019-01-15 15:05:58Literature
4404638.000PiedmontGranvilleHolt Rd. to Butner Lake about 0.1 mile from Old Oxford HighwayUnder loose bark of a decaying pine log resting on the ground 2020-09-29Owen McConnell1DSDPPLN36.160347-78.7658962FALSETRUE2020-09-30 19:46:56sh01_Photo
10459638.000Low MountainsJacksonWhiteside Mtn. trail2022-08-03R Bacon1DSDHBS_SSA_OP_204TRUETRUETRUE1M2024-07-17 15:40:40M BurnsCollection
930638.000High MountainsMacon5 mi [8.05 km] N of Highlands1967-08-00K. Kleinpeter5MSUNKNIngianni et al (2011)33 males, 2 females; American Museum of Natural History specimens2019-01-22 10:16:24shLiterature
10768638.000High MountainsMitchellNC 261, sweep net, 0.5-1 mile south of Carver's Gap and Tennessee state line. Roadside sweep, herbaceous vegetation along margin of northern hardwood forest. 2024-08-06Mark Basinger, Jim Petranka, and Becky Elkin7DSDHEHF2FALSETRUECommon Shiny black legs, brick red body, black palps and chelicerae.2024-08-07 23:14:15sh01_Photo
10770638.000High MountainsMitchellNC 261, 0.5-1 mile south of Carver's Gap and Tennessee state line. UV light trap, inside trap, northern hardwood forest dominated by sugar maple. 2024-08-07Mark Basinger and Jim Petranka 2DSDHEHF2FALSETRUE2024-08-08 15:19:37sh01_Photo
929638.000Low MountainsTransylvania6.6 mi [10.6 km] WNW Brevard, Gov. R3.5 mi [5.6 km] W Fish Hatchery,1973-08-29R.M. Shelley1MSUNKNIngianni et al (2011)31 female, NC State Museum specimen2019-01-22 10:16:24shLiterature
768638.000Low MountainsWataugaBlowing Rock0000-00-00Weed1DSDBrimley (1938)4FALSEFALSEFALSETRUETRUE2019-01-15 15:05:58Literature