The Dragonflies and Damselflies of North Carolina
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Entries: Today YesterdayWeek 30 days 64,448 records. 1,219 added/modified this year.
14 entries made/modified today.
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[ 1 ]Great Blue Skimmer Bladen County [Libellula vibrans] 3 seen on 2024-06-20,
Cape Fear River at Lock and Dam #1  » Mark Shields (Photo) online 1
[ 1 ]Eastern Ringtail Harnett; C County [Erpetogomphus designatus] 3 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River - Campbell Pollinator Meadows; males  » Harry LeGrand has (Photo)
[ 2 ]Common Sanddragon Harnett; C County [Progomphus obscurus] 1 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River - Campbell Pollinator Meadows  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 3 ]Prince Baskettail Harnett; C County [Epitheca princeps] 1 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River - Cape Fear Shiner park  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 4 ]Halloween Pennant Harnett; C County [Celithemis eponina] 2 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 5 ]Eastern Pondhawk Harnett; C County [Erythemis simplicicollis] 20 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 6 ]Widow Skimmer Harnett; C County [Libellula luctuosa] 5 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 7 ]Great Blue Skimmer Harnett; C County [Libellula vibrans] 1 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 8 ]Blue Dasher Harnett; C County [Pachydiplax longipennis] 2 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 9 ]Wandering Glider Harnett; C County [Pantala flavescens] 10 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 10 ]Common Whitetail Harnett; C County [Plathemis lydia] 10 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 11 ]Carolina Saddlebags Harnett; C County [Tramea carolina] 5 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 12 ]Blue-fronted Dancer Harnett; C County [Argia apicalis] 5 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River - Campbell Pollinator Meadows  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)
[ 13 ]Stream Bluet Harnett; C County [Enallagma exsulans] 2 seen on 2024-07-02,
Parks on the north side of the Cape Fear River - Cape Fear Shiner park  » Harry LeGrand (Sight)